BBQ Guide

The BBQ Boost: A 2019 Guide to BBQ Cooking

The warmer months have brought with them the start of a new year. While many of our friends around the world would have spent their holiday break rugged up beside a warm fire, many Australians would have spent a day out at the beach or hosting a barbeque for friends. While barbecuing is a favoured Australian pastime, there are many who are not experts at preparing a meal using this technique. Others may require some tips to spruce up their barbecuing skills. Here is a short guide to barbecue cooking in 2019.

While in the past there was not much choice when it came to the technology used in the grill, nowadays there are many different types to choose from. Gas, coal and wood burners are all options to consider, with infrared barbecue cooking a newer option that serves as an addition to a gas grill. There are many things to consider when choosing your grill in 2019, including cost and ease of use. Further, some grills provide cooking opportunities not afforded by the others. Choosing your grill is important as it will set the tone for your barbecue cooking for years to come. If you already have a grill, it is worth learning more about it, so that you can take advantage of all it has to offer.

Gas grills are the most commonly seen grill in most households. Powered by gas cylinders or access to a natural gas line, these grills are convenient and heat up quickly. A welcome addition to these grills is the use of infrared technology. In a conventional gas grill, the flames heat the grates directly. This can lead to the grate heating to different temperatures depending on the intensity of the flames below. The introduction of an infrared element between the flames and the grating solves this problem. The flames heat the element which in turn radiates heat at an even distribution to the grating. Using this technology allows for more consistent cooking times across the grill. The downside to gas grills is that the food will only obtain a hint of smoky flavour.

Charcoal grills are certainly more expensive and time-consuming than gas grills, but the food cooked using this technique will have a stronger smoky flavour than gas grills. You can use this to your advantage, by experimenting with different coals and wood to create different flavours in the final food. Something to consider is that charcoal burns at a much higher temperature than gas, so will allow you to sear meat. These grills also offer a certain distant romance for those who love to cook.

Finally, with the push towards more electrically powered technologies continuing, the electric grill is another option for those seeking to explore barbecue cooking in 2019. These are a great option for those facing fire restrictions that could be breached by gas or coal grills. Furthermore, if you have issues with space, electric grills can come in smaller sizes more suitable for apartments.

So there we have it, a short guide to barbecue cooking in 2019. Once you have a grill that you are happy with, you can start experimenting with seasoning and flavours. So get started on your cooking adventure today, and enjoy your summer barbecues with friends and family.

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