
Bhangarh Fort: A Haunted Fort

India known for its rich history, but the history is full of mystery. Here is a mysterious story from the history that took place few hundreds of years ago in the royal Rajasthan. A town named Bhangarh situated just on the edge of Sariska forest in Rajasthan is attracting loads of tourists for its haunted status. The town of Bhangarh lies between Jaipur and Alwar. Bhangarh, is a deserted town in Rajasthan which was established in 1613 by King Madho Singh, son Raja Man Singh of Amber. The place is full of palace ruins, and the interesting thing is the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has put a signboard at the entry of “Ghost Town” that says, “Staying after sunset is strictly prohibited in this area.”

Sign board at bhangarhIf the signboard dint gave you Goosebumps than this might give you; according to the government rules there should be a ASI office at historic site, but Bhangarh fort doesn’t has one. The nearest ASI office is located one kilometer away from the site; such is the reputation of the town that even officials keep safe distance between themselves and spooks. The signboard by ASI which has lots of specific instructions has added the more mystery to the town.

Bhangarh Myths

The myth is that Guru Balu Nath cursed the city and that caused its evacuation. King Madho Singh built the city of Bhangarh after the approval of Guru Balu Nath, who used to meditate there. Guruji gave king the permission to build his palace on one condition, “The moment the shadows of your palaces touch me, the city shall be no more!” In ignorance Ajab Singh, the grandson of Madho Singh, raised the palace to such a height that the shadow reached the forbidden place. The height of the palace was raised to such an extent that the shadow of the palace touched Balu Nath and the prophecy became true and the city was devastated. It is said that the Samadhi of Guru Balu Nath is still there. Villagers say that roof of the house collapses whenever a house is built there. It is also said that people who have stayed back after sunset have never returned.

Bhangarh-FortThere is other myth too to the Bhangarh Fort. The other myth is: In sixteenth century there was a tantrik named Singhia who lived 80km east from Alwar. It is said that tantrik fell in love with Princess Ratnawati. But he knew the match would never happen, so he decided to use his black magic to get her. One day he spotted the princess’s maid in the market buying oil, so he cast a spell on that oil. Spell was when the oil touched the princess she would surrender herself to him. But princess foiled his plan by throwing the oil on the ground, as she herself was proficient in the occult. The oil fell on a stone and it started rolling towards the tantrik and crushed him. While he was about to die, he cursed the palace with the death of everyone who lived in it, without being reborn ever.

Whatever the truth is, a visit to Bhangarh isn’t for the faint-hearted.

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