
Get To Know The Health Benefits Of CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) is taking the world of alternative medicine by storm, and introducing millions of people around the globe to the therapeutic benefits of cannabis. But CBD products are arguably even better than regular cannabis products, since they are free of the psychoactive cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and therefore do not give users a ‘high’ when they consume them.

CBD can be used for both medicinal and supplemental reasons, and indeed a recent survey indicated that around 60 percent take CBD for the former, and 40 percent for the latter. Furthermore, the appeal of CBD extends far beyond the general cannabis community, with almost 50 percent of users unfamiliar with typical cannabis. These findings were reported in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research in 2018.

Because there remains a dearth of clinical evidence on the medicinal properties of CBD, due to decades of stifled research, people are still having to find out for themselves how they can benefit from CBD. Moreover, manufacturers of hemp-based CBD wholesale products are also restricted in the claims they can make, as their products are sold as food supplements rather than medicines.

However, there have been plenty of studies carried out on CBD which paints a useful picture on the potential of the compound. Now, let’s dig deeper into them.

CBD has Potent Anti-Anxiety Properties

The need for new anxiety treatments has never been greater – and it’s fair to stay that today’s world leaves too many overstimulated, and their brains overactive, which is conducive to causing anxiety. To calm the brain down, the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is critical to the process, and research suggests that CBD can elevate the presence of this chemical in the central nervous system.

CBD is able to increase GABA through the positive allosteric modulator mechanism, which it exacts on the GABA-A receptor. This effect boosts the binding affinity of the GABA-A receptor, allowing for more GABA neurotransmitters to bind with it. This then produces an anxiolytic effect. Also, CBD is an agonist of the 5-HT1A receptor, which is part of the serotonin system – some studies indicate that an additional anxiolytic effect is delivered here.

CBD Can Help to Reduce Pain

One of the hottest topics on CBD has been whether the cannabinoid can reduce pain, or whether the whole cannabis plant is needed to have an analgesic effect – cannabis has been used for natural pain relief by various cultures for millennia, and is referenced in multiple ancient texts.

And research has found that CBD can treat pain, via anandamide-mediated activation of the CB1 receptor, and by interacting with the vanilloid (TRPV-1) receptor. These discoveries have essentially been confirmed by the aforementioned survey, which reported chronic pain as the leading ailment that people were taking CBD to remedy.

For instant pain relief, the best results will come from products where the CBD works immediately, such as CBD-infused hemp joints, or CBD e-liquids. For those who don’t want to expose their lungs, tincture oils are preferable, as these are administered under the tongue. To treat aches and pains in a specific part of the body, experimentation with topicals (e.g. creams, muscle rubs) may yield success.

CBD Can Alleviate Inflammation and Balance the Immune System

Anybody who has experienced issues with inflammation, or suffered from an autoimmune disease, will understand the difficulties of dealing with a troublesome immune system. The body’s main defense system is vital for keeping us healthy and safe from invaders and infections, yet it is also prone to faltering, and causing serious health problems due to out-of-control inflammation.

CBD edibles wholesale products are an excellent option for treating inflammation and getting the immune system back on track. But what makes CBD such a potent and efficient anti-inflammatory? The regulating effect that the cannabinoid has comes from the activity it stimulates at the CB2 receptor in the endocannabinoid system (ECS). CB2 receptor agonists are capable of transmitting immunomodulatory messages, and by regulating the ECS, CBD makes sure enough of these messages are sent, by increasing anandamide concentrations.

CBD can Stimulate Brain Cell Growth, Improving Cognitive Functioning

The brain changes, and as we get older, it’s not always for the better. Cognitive decline has been considered a fact of life, although by supplementing the body with CBD, this aging process can be arrested somewhat. By encouraging the growth of new brain cells (neurogenesis) in the hippocampus, CBD has a positive effect on the section of the brain in charge of memory formation. This CBD reaction is also being studied as a possible future treatment for Alzheimer’s.

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