
Horoscope For The Month of December 2014

Get a detailed horoscope for the month of November 2014 and an overview on your career, love life, relationships, and health.


Ganesha foretells that your fortunes this month are going to swing like a pendulum. Elation and frustration will go hand in hand – but isn’t such the case in our entire lives. So, relax, as Ganesha has full faith that you will be able to sail through with ease. There may be some confusing news, which may derail you a bit, but you shall be quick to regain your balance. There shall be times when you shall be in your elements, brimming with energy and positivity, so that nothing shall seem to be out of your reach. All the weekends look set to be pretty enjoyable. On the work front, things may be a little more hectic, but you shall excel and make a good reputation for yourself. It may even fetch you a lucrative job offer. Businessmen will be eager, but Ganesha advises them to go slow yet steady. If you take care of your employees well, they will give you their 100%. Things on the domestic front shall be tricky, though. If you don’t control your temper or desist from using harsh words, your relationship could get worse, so be careful. Travel is likely to bear positive results.


This month, you may feel that there may be a danger on every step of the way. But, if you stay alert and respond judiciously to situations instead of reacting impulsively, Ganesha says you shall be fine. Professionals and businessmen both are likely to face troubles on their work front, and even health may lay you low at times. A dearth of financial resources may also cause you great anxiety, especially in emergency situations. However, none of this need be a cause for alarm, if you just stay alert and pre-anticipate events from the way things are shaping up. However, at times, you may be unable to fathom the suddenly strange behaviour of some colleagues, which will be far from positive. Apart from your area of expertise, many other things may also demand your attention. Remember, at least as long as you have to continue in your present job, you will have to learn to accept things as they are. So relax! Businessmen will have to tactfully tackle stubborn employees. Ego problems with your spouse may occur, so deal with him/her wisely.


For both businessmen and professionals, Ganesha predicts a very hectic month ahead. Many of your problems will be so tricky that you may have a tough time dealing with them. However, you shall have no alternative, but to give it your best shot. And, once you have done that, leave the rest to the Almighty and hope for the best. The planetary alignments suggest that it is going to be an eventful month. However, if things always don’t go your way, don’t get discouraged. Just put it down to experience, and you are bound to come out wiser. Businessmen will have to keep communication channels open to improve productivity. You may also have to travel a great deal to promote your business, but it may not yield immediate results. However, in the long run you shall see that the big shots you may have met during your frequent trips, may help you in some way or the other. Things on the domestic front shall be largely hunky dory, feels Ganesha.


There will be loads and loads of work this month, but if you go about it in an organised way, and with the help of a supportive team, you shall be able to accomplish it all. Don’t expect immediate results, or you shall be bitterly disappointed. Keep giving your best, and sooner or later your contribution shall be recognised and rewarded. Besides, the discouraging days shall be mixed up with encouraging days, and things will eventually balance out. You shall use modern communication technology to the hilt to improve your efficiency. Businessmen may go in for modernisation of their offices, with the aim of streamlining work. Professionals are likely to get another job offer and may seriously consider taking it up. Relationships with colleagues shall be cordial. You are likely to take your responsibilities very seriously, both at office and at home, and the decisions you take shall be very judicious. As a troubleshooter, your social prestige will rise sharply.


You will keep your distance from gossiping this month as your workload will not permit it, says Ganesha. You shall be so engrossed in your work that you will thoroughly enjoy it and may not even notice how much you have accomplished in how little time. You shall achieve your goals for the month with lots of time to spare, such will be the intensity of your focus. Should someone try to divert your mind to other insignificant things, you could cut them off in a less than polite way. When it comes to meeting your targets, you shall not be in a mood to give even slight leeway, neither to yourself nor to your subordinates. On the personal front, you may end up spoiling your relationships with friends, colleagues and even your family members and spouse because of your rude behaviour. Ganesha advises you to sober down and try not to impose yourself on people, whether it is in your personal or professional life.


This month your work shall be quite monotonous, but you will not get bored with it, foretells Ganesha. You shall be in high spirits and will try innovative ways of executing the same tasks to keep the excitement alive. However, at the back of your mind you shall be seriously thinking of finding yourself a job which will fascinate you more. But that may take time, and in the meanwhile you shall keep working harder to improve your performance. You are likely to set the bar so high that others may find it difficult to emulate you. As a matter of fact you shall perform to your optimum level in all spheres of life, with a thoroughly positive frame of mind. You shall also be very street-smart, and should certain circumstances call for it, you shall not shrink from taking drastic steps such as even changing you whole life-style. All round, while this month may not be very positive for other Signs, it will prove to be favourable for you.


Stick to the tried and tested methods this month, advises Ganesha. Don’t try to experiment too much, no matter how boring your work may seem to be. The time is not very favourable for implementing any change, even in your basic approach to work. However, you will have your fair share of exciting moments, during which you will thoroughly enjoy yourself. One factor which could make you feel depressed is the fact that though you have been putting your heart and soul into your work, the due rewards that you may have been expecting may not be anywhere in sight. But rest assured that there is no need to lose heart. The recognition and rewards will come in due course of time. Try to stay contented with what you have, and you will feel really positive. On the personal front, try to maintain a healthy equation with your life-partner, which you can do by avoiding unnecessary arguments and ego hassles.


Ganesha foresees that this month your reserves of patience will keep growing. No matter how frustrating things may seem to be, you will have faith that eventually things will work out in your favour. Exaltation of Mars shall bestow you with the courage to fight against tough situations. This month you may have to stay in constant touch with distant relatives or friends. Matters under litigation need to be handled with care. Initially, your business and financial affairs may be in a mess. Don’t make commitments that you are not 100 percent sure you shall be able to keep. Since the planets are casting a dark shadow on you, avoid taking any decisions that may have an adverse impact on your career. The personal sphere is likely to be crammed with all sorts of events. Lots of social get-togethers and functions are on the cards. Be careful on the health front, as you may still not have completely recovered from a recent traumatic event.


Ganesha feels that this month you shall tend to be somewhat in a hurry to accomplish your goals, because you will want to stay a step ahead of the cut-throat competition. At the same time, you have to make sure that in your rush to get things done, you don’t rub people the wrong way, or it may result in ego clashes and bitter disputes. Moreover, you are likely to rely too much on luck, which means that you don’t have enough confidence in your own abilities. Ganesha advises you to be confident of yourself. Cultivate an amiable disposition, share your genuine feelings at least with well-wishers, and everything shall be fine. At times you may feel like changing your job and get one in which you can work at a relaxed pace. On the financial front, you may be in a mood to indulge in speculative transactions in a bid to earn a fast buck, but Ganesha advises you to avoid the temptation.


You shall be open-minded in your approach to work this month, feels Ganesha. It means that you shall be ready to learn new things, new technology, etc. in order to improve your performance. You shall definitely learn a lot, especially from the seniors employees of the company that you may frequently have to deal with. They can especially be helpful with their vast experience when you are stuck in a dilemma and may be finding it tough to resolve things. Ganesha advises you to make full use of the wisdom of the elderly colleagues in your office. You shall feel very energetic, but you would do well not to squander it on unnecessary pursuits or negatively. Use it judiciously and conserve it for the most important tasks. You may expect some very positive developments in your career this month. On the personal front, whether you are married or single, you shall enjoy some very romantic moments with your beloved.


The planetary alignments in your chart for the month indicate that this month you shall be very optimistic and feel that nothing is impossible for you to achieve, predicts Ganesha. You shall look at the brighter side of life and see many things that can make you and your dear ones happy. You shall also be in full control of your emotions. Instead of reacting impulsively to situations, you shall take your time to respond after considering all the pros and cons. This kind of equanimity shall be very helpful to you in tackling seniors at your workplace, and elders at home. Professionals are likely to be over-loaded with work this month, so you may have no choice but to do some really slick multi-tasking. Businessmen may be too engrossed in working out ways of making faster progress. On the home front, you should discuss your relationship with your spouse open-heartedly. Love life looks exciting, feels Ganesha, but don’t go overboard.


Because of a distinct lack of self-confidence, Ganesha foretells that this month you shall constantly need the help of someone or the other. So, make sure that good friends are always around to lend a helping hand. You shall hardly be able to justify your varied talents, but rest assured that this is just a passing phase. You shall soon be in your elements again. There is a strong likelihood that your perceptions and outlook on life shall undergo a profound transformation. You shall become much more receptive than you ever were. You shall face no ego hassles in accepting and executing the ideas of others, even if they may be your juniors. You shall also cultivate the tact of dealing with people with a bloated ego. This month appears favourable for people with a creative inclination. Regarding money matters, you shall tend to spend lavishly. If you don’t control this temptation you could land up in big trouble, so try to be frugal.

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