bacterial vaginosis

4 Must-Know Symptoms Of Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment, Causes and Prevention

Bacterial vaginosis (BV), otherwise known as Gardnerella or vaginal bacteriosis, is a condition that affects the female sexual organs. BV is a form of inflammation caused by the overgrowth of bacteria in the vaginal area, responsible for upsetting the natural balance. BV is particularly common in childbearing women.

What is the primary cause of bacterial vaginosis?

You may begin experiencing symptoms of BV because of the reduction in the levels of lactobacillus bacteria, which keeps the vaginal environment in a more acidic state. The acidity makes the surroundings very unconducive for the bacteria to thrive. However, some factors can cause the acidity levels to drop, exposing you to BV, and they include:

Frequent douching.
Having multiple sex partners.
New sex partners.
Using antiseptic liquids while taking a bath.
Usage of perfumed products in bubble baths, including scented soaps and vaginal deodorants.
Engaging in sex with unclean sex toys.

Four must-know symptoms of bacterial vaginosis

There are several bacterial vaginosis symptoms that you should be on the lookout for in case you experience some, if not all of them. The four major symptoms to take keen note of are:

A burning sensation around the vaginal area when peeing: This causes irritation and can really be uncomfortable.
An abnormal vaginal discharge: You may notice a white, grey or green discharge on your pants. This should make you seek quick medical attention.
Fishy smell: This smell can be very annoying and may lower your self-esteem. In case you experience this, you must seek medical attention as soon as possible. This smell tends to get stronger, especially after sex.
Itching: A common symptom is itching around the vaginal area, which is often very uncomfortable to endure.


There are no specific diagnostic measures you can make other than seeking medical attention and letting a qualified medical practitioner take a look. The professional will perform physical examinations and carry out some tests to make sure of the symptoms and rule out any other form of infections, they can then prescribe medication to treat the infection.

Effects of BV

Some of the common effects of bacterial vaginosis include:

Lowered self-esteem.
Episodes of discomfort because of itchiness around the vagina, which might disrupt your routine activities.
Increased risk in contracting STIs, like gonorrhea.
A victim is vulnerable to the development of pelvic inflammatory diseases.
In pregnant women, may cause premature birth or low birth weight.

Bacterial vaginosis treatment

Fortunately, this condition is treatable, some of the treatment options available include:

Prescription of antibiotics: Antibiotics can easily get rid of the infection. They are administered in the form of cream, tablets or gel. Most prescriptions take 5-7 days to take proper effect. However, even when the symptoms die off, it’s advisable to continue on the drug regimen until completion.
Changing of birth control method: If the infections keep reoccurring, it is advisable to use a different birth control method and find the one that best works for you.
Home remedies: Some home remedies like using yoghurt, a probiotic that contains healthy bacteria, can help maintain a vaginal bacteria balance in case of any upset. Garlic is also an antibacterial element that you can use to ensure a natural balance in vaginal bacteria.

Prevention of BV

Some of the most suitable preventive measures against bacterial vaginosis infection include:

Practicing safe sex, by making use of condoms.
Limiting the number of your sex partners.
Ensure that you and your partner are tested for any STIs.
Practicing good hygiene by using clean water when cleaning genital areas, using clean sex toys, always wiping front to back with each toilet visit, and avoiding douching.

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