Dental Care

7 Powerful Ways to Help Your Smile (and Confidence) Shine

Although confidence comes from within, our outer appearance plays a significant role in whether or not we feel confident overall. From the cut and color of our hair to the shape of our body, it’s physical features like these that have the power to make or break our esteem.

Even the quality of our teeth alone can impact the way we feel about ourselves. Crooked or missing teeth, stained enamel, or chipped pearly whites: it’s the little details that can make us feel like our smiles are not worthy of being flashed and admired by others.

In fact, although a majority of Americans believe dental health is critical, only a quarter are extremely content with the physical condition of their mouth, teeth, and gums, according to the American Dental Association (ADA).

The good news is, regardless of the current state of your teeth, you can alter your teeth in ways that can boost your self-confidence and overall smile.

1. Upkeep your oral hygiene.

As common sense as it might sound, it’s important to engage in a proper, regular oral hygiene routine if you wish to have a beautiful smile all around. Regular brushing and flossing can deter pesky oral bacteria and debris that may contribute to tooth stains and dental caries.

The ADA recommends brushing your teeth twice a day, cleaning between the teeth once or twice a day with floss, and visiting the dentist twice a year. (Those with gum disease or other oral-related complications may need to visit the dentist more frequently to achieve top-notch hygiene.)

It’s also important to avoid using fluoride-containing toothpastes and mouthwashes as fluoride has been proved to have detrimental effects on our health due to its toxic nature, according to research.

2. Be mindful of what you eat and drink.

What you consume not only can directly impact the color of your teeth if you are consuming dark substances but what you eat and drink can also have long-term effects on your oral health in general. For this reason, cutting back on certain foods and beverages is vital to keep your pearly whites beautiful and strong.

Those who frequently drink dark beverages like black tea and coffee are more prone to developing yellow-brown stains on their teeth than those who don’t. Likewise, individuals who consume alcohol, sugary foods, and/or sticky foods often are more likely to have a higher rate of cavities and erosion, which certainly affect teeth’s appearance.

3. Whiten your teeth in-office.

If you find yourself whitening your teeth in photographs but have difficulty flashing your teeth in person, this is a sign that your yellow teeth have taken the ultimate toll on your self-esteem. Fortunately, real-life teeth whitening may be the perfect solution to eliminating those pesky stains and streaks you despise so much.

There are many different types of whiteners for your teeth on the market for you to pick from. However, in the case of severe tooth discoloration, it’s recommended that one opts for in-office teeth whitening treatment. While more costly and more damaging to your pearly whites, it is, however, effective and provides quick results.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Let’s face it, many of us don’t consume enough fruits and vegetables. However, not only are these natural foods filled with vitamins and nutrients we need, but these foods have the capability of helping us achieve healthier, whiter teeth in the long run.

To help combat plaque and debris on the surface of the teeth, it’s recommended to consume more apples, celery, and carrots. These also have the capability of whitening the teeth. As for fruit, consume more strawberries. These red fruits contain malic acid, which aids in gently cleaning the surface of your teeth, leaving them whiter.

5. Try REAL WHITE LED Whitener at home.

Many teeth whiteners on the market claim to work but are ineffective. Even the ones that do actually end up working for you may take weeks or even months to show the slightest of results. Either that, or these whitening products leave you with sore, sensitive teeth.

If you’re dealing with the latter problems, or you simply don’t want to obtain teeth whitening from a dental office, REAL WHITE LED Whitener is a great go-to product that has the power to turn the yellowest of teeth into the whitest of white, all while protecting your teeth from future erosion.

6. Brush with Dirty Mouth Tooth powder.

Numerous teeth whitening toothpaste exist on the market. Unfortunately, many of these toothpaste are either completely ineffective, or contain ingredients that are abrasive and, thus, damage the enamel layer of your teeth. In turn, some individuals experience tooth sensitivity while brushing with teeth whitening toothpaste.

A viable solution? Try Dirty Mouth Toothpowder. As one of the best all-natural, organic oral products on the market to date, this product contains agents that not only help you obtain a cleaner mouth but help promote brighter whiter teeth.

7. Consider oil pulling.

Oil pulling is an ancient, 3,000-plus-year-old Ayurvedic dental method, also referred to as “gundusha” or “kavala.” Via this technique, one swishes a tablespoon of oil around their mouth on an empty stomach for approximately 20 minutes to obtain health benefits.

While oil pulling is done for general health purposes, this technique can help improve oral health in specific. Oil pulling with an oil like coconut oil or sunflower seed oil, for instance, helps ward off bacteria, protect against tooth decay, and achieve whiter teeth. Oil pull daily for the best results.


Your smile is one of the first things people look at upon greeting you. The worse you feel about the quality of your smile, though, the least confident you will feel physically and socially.

Fortunately, there are a handful of ways you can stop your smile from damaging your self-image. From simple things like remembering to brush your teeth to being mindful of what you eat and drink, you will be on the fast track to getting the smile of your dreams and a confidence boost.

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