working woman

Work- Life Balance For Working Women

With revolutionary change in the national percentage of working women and overcoming many inherent disadvantages related to deeply embedded traditional mindset, it is a moment to feel proud. Today we find women engaged in different types of traditional and non-traditional entrepreneurial or management activities. And with this increasing ratio of female workforce, the importance of work-life balance is also increasing. Many laws are being framed in India now to help women in balancing the work and life. Human resource policies like maternity and paternity leave, Work from home, child care wing (in many corporate), medical facilities etc. helps women manage things.

In India, a woman (however modern, educated or successful) has to perform many roles after marriage. These roles include being a spouse, caretaker and parent, managing daily household chores; providing service to community and society. Women also must take care of their own health and other personal activities, which are often neglected because of role overload as well as limitations. Things have changed in recent times, but not completely. A women has to be educated, beautiful, responsible, understanding and should possess all the super powers. It’s a good thing but living up to these expectations puts a lot of stress. All of these situations lead to the absence of Work-Life Balance.

Firstly, a high five to all the ladies up there reading this article, for performing all these roles and living up to everyone’s expectations. It is indeed necessary to change the portrayed image of a woman and get some respect in the society. I would like and share a few ways to manage work-life balance which I personally follow:

  1. Learn to say no

It so happens that, sometimes we say yes to things we don’t agree for under some obligation, out of respect or to make a good impression. This is something that you should stop doing. As you compromise on your values or routine, it leaves you angry, dissatisfied or stressed. Understand yourself and don’t stretch yourself without any reason. Learn to say no with respect and explain the genuine reason. This will give you more time for yourself, your health and your family.

  1. Schedule your week in advance

It is always a good practice to plan your week in advance. Not just in your mind but in a written format. Make a format and every week schedule/ plan your social appointments, workout activities and meals

  1. Make a food menu every Sunday

Trust me this will help you in many ways. If you have your weekly meals planned, you can buy the groceries on Sunday which will end your last moment hassle of prepping for your meal. Also you can feed nutritious meals to your family.

  1. Make your roles at home clear

Clear your roles and responsibilities at home clear. Do not take responsibilities more than your capacity. Remember you can achieve more by dividing your work load. Hire domestic help for additional work.

  1. Prioritize

Set your priorities. Understand what things are important for you. For ex: Work 30 %, Family 30 %, you 25%, friends 15 %. This can change and according to this set the activities and time. Limit work when at home. Schedule your time. This will help you in managing work as well as time for yourself. After all you deserve rewards for all the hard work you put in.

  1. Ensure quality family time

Family time is important to raise kids with values, to relive stress and for the special bonding. Do not compromise on family time. Set priorities and plan minimum 4-6 hours quality family time. Watch a movie, take a walk, cook with kids and husband, and go on long drives or whatever your family loves to do. Give undivided attention to family during this time.

Work and life balance will not only help you in managing your home and office work but also give you more power, confidence and strength. It will give you happiness and inner peace. After all, the ultimate happiness lies in inner peace and satisfaction.

Stay beautiful. Stay blessed!!

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