hemp seeds

Hemp – The most unconsumed miracle food

Do you include hemp in your diet? Known to be one of the most miraculous foods of all times, Hemp has boundless health benefits to our health. Right from balancing the body hormone levels, nourishing skin and hair, relaxing muscles and body inflammation, hemp can do wonders to our health.

The uses and benefits of hemp have been widely known as early as the 1900s. There were 25,000 declared uses of hemp, right from food, sails, linens and ropes. But, the grain lost its value due to its confusion with marijuana and was banned from farming. However, getting it back to production will help millions of people enjoy a balanced quantity of low-impact proteins in their diet.

Hemp, the plant resembles a lot to pot plants and is not at all Marijuana. If tested for drugs, the plant can prove its health benefits. According to a study, the plant contains 0.0001 % tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the compound responsible for its psychoactive effect. Marijuana on the other hand has 5000 times more the amount of Tetrahydrocannabinol in it which is responsible for its intoxicating feeling.

The food tastes somewhere between sunflower seeds and pine nut. You will also gethemp seeds and hemp protein powders available in the markets, containing almost 10 essential amino acids and also providing enough energy to the consumer to fight through a long tiring day. In short, it is the best source of vegetarian protein. Check out hemp recipes from “Magical Butter” and treat yourself with these yummy and healthy treats.

Today, hemp seeds have proved to be one of the trendiest seeds with its growing rate almost at 115%, where as chia seeds offer only 84% proteins.

Health benefits of Hemp

  • Natural source of magnesium, an important mineral needed for healthy body metabolism. Almost 75% people don’t have a healthy metabolism.
  • For exercisers, it is an important food especially due to its phosphorus and iron levels. This overall, helps increase body oxygen levels, making us feel and look healthy.
  • Twice the amount of protein than flax or chia seeds
  • A good source for non-GMO

How to add Hemp to your food daily?

  • Sprinkle some shelled hemp seeds on your salads, cereal and yogurt
  • Add to your soup
  • Add it into your protein powder smoothies for a soft nutty taste to it.
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