Hair Perming

Do Perms Damage Your Hair?

Perming is one of the hair treatments that was widely popular back in the 1980s as celebrities and TV stars wore these as the latest hair trend. Suddenly, the trend died off at the end of the 1990s and for the next two decades, it was straight ironing and bleaching that took the leader board.

But here we are in 2019, and perms seem to be popular once again. But what is perming in the first place? We can define it as any kind of treatment that affects your hairstyle and texture. It usually results in curly or wavy hair that can then be styled in whatever way you choose.

The whole debate on perming is not very simple. There are positive and negative aspects about it, and that is why coming up with a final verdict on whether perms damage your hair and dry it is quite tricky. Even if you decide to go for a perm, one of the most important things is to condition and shampoo your hair the right way.

For this, we recommend as an ideal solution. Permed hair can look quite attractive, and it requires less effort when it comes to styling, but on the other hand, if your scalp and locks have already gone through a lot of chemical treatment, like bleaching or dyeing, it may not be the smartest thing to do.

Bearing this in mind, the type of hair that you have and the history that lies behind it play a huge role. If till now you were following the strict hair care rules and you didn’t drown it in chemicals, you are good to go. So what is the answer to the question of do perms damage your hair? Well, it depends. Let’s take a look.

Pros/Cons Of Perms

Curl cover

In order to come up with any kind of verdict, we need to discuss the pros and cons of perming.

It is a fact that your hair will look more attractive if that is what you are going for. People have different tastes, but once you go through the perming treatment, you will see that serious changes have occurred. It is something usually done by people that have tired of straight hair and want to bring their hair back to life — but are actually doing the opposite?

Before we get into the cons, we want to note that perming will boost the volume of your hair, so if that is what you are looking to achieve, it is a good way to do it. Last but not least, once you have permed your hair, the effort invested in styling it every morning will be much less.

When it comes to the disadvantages, there are a few. The first and maybe least important one is that you can’t wash your hair for at least two days after you have had it permed. This is a problem because it starts to smell weird, and that is not the effect you want if there is a party that you need to attend.

On the other hand, the main issue with perms is that your hair can become frizzy and damaged. While this depends on the treatment itself, and what you did with your locks before and after the treatment, perms could cause some very unwanted side effects.

How Can Perms Damage Your Hair

Perming does come with a few bad effects related to the health of your hair. First, this type of treatment includes a lot of chemicals and heat, which can result in weakened strands, split ends, and lowered porosity levels.

Also, one of the things you certainly don’t want to experience is balding and patches — unfortunately, if you have perming treatments a few times a year, this is one of the most common consequences.

What you never think about is that perming is a harsh treatment that can result in infections of the scalp. Burns are quite common as well, mostly caused by the ammonium that is used in the process.

Last but not least, perming can have an effect on your hormones. While the researchers are still not clear how and why there is a link, there are many women who have had this treatment and experienced hormonal changes.


Perming is one of the most discussed hair treatments there is. Yes, it may leave you with fuller and more attractive hair, but at what cost? While we can’t make the decision for you, we can suggest that you think it through and make sure that perming is something you are willing to take risks with.

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