
Signs You Are Not Getting Enough Sleep And What You Can Do About It!

Normally an adult should sleep 8 hours every night although some people need more hours to feel rested while others require less. The funny thing is you could be going to bed early, but when you wake up the next morning you’re feeling more tired than you were the day before. If you have just slept more than 7 hours in a comfortable bed shouldn’t you be feeling well-rested and energized? There could be many reasons why you aren’t getting the required sleep you need. Quality sleep is vital for the well-being of your physical, emotional, and mental health. Poor sleep can cause you to be stressed, be anxious, and depressed. It could also reduce your productivity, memory, cognitive thinking, impair your judgment, and cause you to gain weight.

Common Signs You Aren’t Getting Enough Sleep

You’re Dozing Off at Any Time

Feeling tired and exhausted during the day is an obvious sign that you aren’t sleeping well at night. If your brain is tunning off things that would otherwise be stimulating to keep you awake, it’s an indication that you’re sleep deprived. Yawning every 5 minutes or drinking lots of coffee to keep you alert or your eyelids are so heavy you have no control over them is a sign that you need to check on your sleeping patterns.

You’re Adding Weight

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Lack of sleep can increase your weight. Poor sleep increases your blood sugar levels which increases your appetite causing your body to crave fatty high-calorie foods to give you energy. This increases your chances of developing Type 2 diabetes, a metabolic disorder that is caused by obesity and overeating. If you sleep less than six hours daily, you’re more prone to gaining weight and becoming obese.

You’re Moody

Being moody, irritable, or depressed is a sign that you aren’t getting enough sleep. Sleep and your emotional health are related. People who are anxious and depressed often develop insomnia. When you’re not sleeping well you tend to be cranky and irritable which may affect the quality of the relationships you have. Your friends and partner will not want to be around you because your moods can change at any time.

Your Focus and Memory is Off

When you sleep fewer hours than you usually do, it can make you lose focus and affect your memory and concentration. Sleep helps your brain to process information and consolidate your memories for the day, but when you don’t get enough sleep your brain becomes confused and loses concentration. Poor sleep interferes with the part of your brain that processes emotions which affects your ability to make good decisions. Not getting enough sleep could inhibit your brain’s ability to keep your nervous system clear.

You’re More Impulsive and Aggressive

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Most of the time when you’re exhausted you don’t pay attention to your actions. You find yourself saying yes to things you wouldn’t normally agree with. It also becomes more difficult to say no to things you should. You might also find yourself being aggressive and saying mean things to random people for no reason or lashing out at your spouse or co-workers.

Your Productivity and Performance is Below Normal

Sleep deprivation can negatively affect your ability to focus and reason and even find it difficult to come up with words to describe simple things or be creative in your workplace. Although it’s not bad to stay late finishing up on your projects, it’s also a good idea to stop working and get a good night’s sleep so that you can improve on your productivity and overall performance. Sleeping and dreaming encourage greater creativity, new learning, and memory consolidation. When you’re well rested your brain is able to take in more information.

Tips To Help You Sleep Better

Sipping Chamomile Tea


If you like taking a warm beverage after your supper, instead of taking tea that contains caffeine you can opt for chamomile tea. Chamomile tea is caffeine-free and has a calming effect on your body which will help you feel drowsy before bedtime.

Soaking in a Detox Bath

After a long day, you may be used to rushing to the bathroom to take a hot shower. Instead, you can prepare a detox bath that will help remove toxins from your body, release the benefits of essential oils, and help soothe your body and mind. A lavender bath will help you relax and balance your body.

Invest in a Comfortable Mattress and Pillow

The quality of your bed and the environment you sleep in also affects the quality of your sleep. If you’re sleeping on an uncomfortable and unsupportive mattress it doesn’t matter what you do, you will not get the rest you need. A saggy old mattress will only add to your health problems and cause you sleepless nights. Invest in a mattress that will give proper support and comfort to your body and keep your body properly aligned to avoid aches and pains. A sleep number mattress, for example, has a variety of firmness options you can choose from to keep you comfy and supported throughout the night. You should also buy the right pillow to support your head and neck.

Get More Sunshine

Exposing your body to more natural light helps to reset your biological clock, balance out your body’s melatonin and cortisol levels, and provide natural vitamin D to your body. This improves your energy levels during the day and you’re able to sleep better at night and for a longer period. It also reduces the time you take to fall asleep at night. If you have sleeping disorders like insomnia or any other sleeping issues, basking in the sun can help improve these sleeping conditions.

Final Words

Sleep plays a very important role in your health. When you don’t sleep properly your physical and mental health is negatively affected which can lead to serious health issues. With these points, you’re now in a better position to change the negative things affecting the quality of your sleep so that you can have a well-rested night.

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