men and women talking

On First Arranged Marriage Meeting…!

A woman needs a man who makes her feel special all the time. If you are looking for your ‘Mr. Right’ through an arranged marriage, then you need to be more prudent. Meeting a person for the first time may make you feel nervous. Well, after all you are meeting someone with the intention of spending a lifetime with and have kids together. Already sounds nerve-wracking right? Well, keep the worries at bay, and read these interesting questions that you need to ask a guy if you are looking forward to an arranged marriage.

What are his interests and hobbies?

Knowing the lifestyle of a person is very important. And, as you will be moving in into his place, it is good to know his expectations from you. But asking the question bluntly would look a bit awkward, so go slowly. Questioning about his likes and dislikes, hobbies and interests would give you an idea about his lifestyle and also about what he is looking for in his partner.

Do ask him about his future plans, his career goals

Getting married means more financial and social responsibilities. You need to check if the guy is willing to take those responsibilities or not. His future plans, career goals, ambitions all will matter to a better future together.

Is he willing to let you pursue your career?

Leaving job after getting married is what most of the women have to do, regardless of their will. But many men nowadays are supporting their wives pursue their careers and even defend them in front of the family if they are against it. So, make sure that your partner is willing to support your ambitions or else you need to think a lot before you say the word ‘YES’ for marriage!

What will be your responsibilities towards his family and home?

The person you marring may not be having same nature as of yours. So, it is better that to ask him nicely that what his expectations from his wife for himself, his family and his home. This will give an idea about his nature and his mentality, weather he is open-minded or a conservative.

Is he comfortable with your responsibility towards your parents?

Leaving your home and going to a new place without parents is a tough ask. But as you are entering a new family, you cannot run from your responsibilities towards your parents. Moreover, girls depend on their parents for emotional and financial support even after marriage. So, you do have responsibilities towards them even after marriage. Therefore, make sure the guy respects your parents and your responsibilities towards them. Hence, it is very important that you discuss this aspect before planning to spend the life with him.

Plans to move abroad?

Well, let us face this! Nowadays, people are willing to go anywhere in the globe for a good opportunity. So, ask if he is willing to move abroad or wishes to stay in the country only. This will be helpful to you in setting your preferences.

He may be handsome, have great looks, perfect body and finances, but apart from these, you need to see a good looking future with him. So, pop-up the right questions, judge him well, make the right decision and enjoy a happily ever after!

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