gargling with salt water

Quick Home Remedies To Soothe a Sore Throat

A change in weather can upset your body functions. Cold and sore throat are the first ones to affect a person. Treating a sore throat at the initial stage will avert fever and other complications.

In case you notice a slight irritation in your voice chords, prevent it from spreading further. Generally, the throat infection heals itself. Take the needed steps to speed up the recovery. Most home-makers use these sure home-remedies for their families.


Prepare a salty solution by mixing salt and hot water. Drink a mouthful and gargle. Bend your head slightly backwards to allow the water touch the throat and then gargle. Repeating the process thrice or four times a day will help greatly. Adding herbs like ‘sage and ginger’ would give an added healing to the soreness and pain in the throat.

Moisture in the air

Dry air can cause stuffy nose and breathing becomes difficult. At times it can cause pain and irritation in the throat. Use a room humidifier to add moisture in the room. This will give you temporary relief from throat discomfort. Taking a steam bath would be an ideal remedy.

Woman drinking herbal tea.Herbal tea with honey and lime

Honey, a natural sweetener has many medicinal properties. One such quality is it’s pain easing capacity. The Vitamin C in lime can be an additional help. So, mix ‘lemon, honey and tea leaves with water and drink it hot. You may add basil or mint leaves as an innovation to heal the soreness in the throat.

Eat an easy to swallow diet

Swallowing food is difficult for a person having a sore throat. So, eat food that can be easily gulped down. Having broth or porridge will be filling and easy to swallow. It would also be a nice excuse to have a soup of your choice. Ginger garlic soup will soothe your painful throat. Drinking a lot of liquid is important.


Resting or sleeping is an apt choice. In fact, resting for a day will help the body heal itself. The other healing aspects would be to chew a few herb-flavored lozenges or keep a small piece of ginger in your mouth. Bite on the ginger and allow the juice to flow into your throat. This will not only help the soreness, but will also help prevent coughing.

If none of these home remedies cure your sore throat, then you have no other choice than to visit your doctor. Take initial precaution and avoid facing those pain pricks from the doctor.

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