swelling during pregnancy

Should You Worry About Swelling During Pregnancy?

Slight swelling or oedema during pregnancy is very normal. This is because the body retains more water. There is a drastic change in hormonal secretion and the growing uterus puts pressure on veins leading to swollen tissues especially in feet and ankles. This most likely occurs in third trimester, severe for women carrying multiples.

There is no need to stress about swelling unless you notice unusual puffiness on face, around eyes, more than slight swelling on hands and or excessive swelling of feet or ankles. This could be sign of preeclampsia (hypertension during pregnancy) which is a serious condition. You should seek medical attention immediately if you face such swelling.

How can you ease the swelling?

  • Avoid standing for long periods.

  • Wear comfortable footwear.

  • While resting, keep your feet high, propped up with cushions.

  • You can rotate your foot both the ways for 8-10 times.

  • Drink plenty of fluids.

  • Avoid too much salt and processed food.

  • Include coconut water which is rich in electrolytes and will reduce water retention overall.

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