curd for skin

Use Curds For Naturally Beautiful Hair And Skin

Fresh curd is regularly used in cooking. Many homes have replaced sweet desserts with curd and yoghurt variations. Curd has more plus points than the ones mentioned.

Beauticians recommend the use of curd for hair and skin care. It improves the hair and skin texture. So, reduce your parlour visits and start using curds to beautify your hair and skin.

Use of curd in hair care

Keep the unruly curls in place

  • Managing curly hair can be difficult. Make a mixture using three ingredients: 2 tbsp ratio of curd and ‘coconut oil. Add fresh ‘Aloe. Vera gel’ – four large spoons full. Mix well and leave the application on your hair for thirty minutes. Mild shampooing will keep your hair soft and shiny.

curd for hairBrighten up the dull and dryness in your hair

  • The softness in tress becomes less in the wintry weather. This is the same case with our skin and hair. To regain the softness, blend curd, ‘almond oil and whipped eggs’. Rub the mixture on the hair roots. Wash after half an hour. This mixture supplies the needed nutrients to the hair.

Removes ‘dandruff’

  • The fungus repelling quality of curd helps to do away with dandruff. Adding few pepper seeds will add to the tress quality.

Hair loss

  • Adding coarsely powdered ‘Methi’ to the curd will help in reducing hair loss.
  • Hair needs a lot of nutrients like proteins and other minerals to remain silky. Prepare a healthy mixture of curds, ‘eggs, limejuice and honey.’ Leave this application on the scalp for half an hour and then wash.

Curd for skin color

  • Sun burns and the brownish texture due to over exposure to sunlight is reduced by applying a homemade mixture of powdered grams, lemon juice and curd on the body. Leave the mixture for about 90 seconds before washing. In fact the skin tone is totally regained.
  • To have a shining skin rub ‘dry orange peels, masoor dal and curd mixture. Also add a bit of ‘honey’. To ward of pimples, rub a turmeric curd mixture on your face before a bath.
  • To remove the red marks caused by mosquitoes and other insects, rub a mix of curd–water. This will also reduce the stinging ache in the affected part.

Use curd orally and internally to stay healthy and beautiful.

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