
Vaginal Infection Causes And Remedies

Vaginal yeast is defined as a fungus that finds home in the vagina in small quantity. When many yeast cells develop in the vagina they cause an infection called vaginal yeast infection. Such infections are common in women. In fact, 75% of women have vaginal irritation in their life but they are usually not serious.

Causes of Vaginal Infection

Vaginal infections are caused by yeast known as Candida albicans. Bacteria in a Vagina help control the formation of this yeast. However, when an in-balance of these organisms happens the yeast grows and cause vaginal infection. An increase in estrogen levels during pregnancy or menopause as well as health problems such as diabetes and HIV can also be a cause.

Symptoms of Vaginal Infection

The first signs of yeast infection would be itching of the vagina other symptoms are:

• A burning sensation felt during a sexual intercourse or while you urinate.
• Redness and swelling of the vagina
• Thick, white, clumpy discharge that has no smell
• Soreness and rash on the vagina

Signs of an infection are likely to be noticed a week before you have your monthly period.


If it the first time you have had such an infection then the best thing to do is to consult your gynecologist especially if you are pregnant as a vaginal examination would be crucial for you.


Yeast infection cures are as follows;

• Antifungal creams
• Suppository that you insert inside your vagina
• Taking antifungal tablets

Creams and suppositories are usually available over-the-counter for those who can recognize the symptoms of the infection. However, if you are pregnant you must consult your doctor before you try any of the above medications.

If your symptoms are mild, you may want to try the yeast infection home remedy of using garlic. It is a well known fact that garlic kills yeast and therefore a clove of garlic can clear the infection easily. Women, who can recognize the early symptoms of yeast infection can cure it at home, take a peeled clove of garlic and insert it into the vagina at night. Remove the clove in the morning and dispose it. Repeat the treatment for a day or two until the itching disappears. Remember to use a fresh piece of garlic every time. The reason of doing this at night before going to bed is because there is a link between the vagina and the mouth. So you may get a taste of the garlic in your mouth which can be bothersome during the day.

If you have more than four vaginal infections yearly you must see a doctor and also take preventive measures like;

• use vaginal wash products to clean the vaginal area
• wear cotton undergarments and avoid wearing clothes that are tight-fitting
• Do not wear a wet swimsuit for a long time as the genital area remains moist
• Frequently change pads and tampons when in your period
• Avoid using perfumed powders in the vaginal area
• Avoid taking a very hot bath

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