woman wokring on laptop

Chat Room Etiquette You Need To Know

Online Chatting is the new revolutionized form of communicating today. Youths and professionals belonging to the business sector, use online chatting for easily reaching out to their clients, users, followers and friends. But, before you enter a chat room and initiate a conversation, you need to read these must know chat room etiquettes for a positive discussion.

Read them, and follow as per your needs:

1. Availability status

Before you just pop up and start discussing with the person on the other side of the chat room, make sure that he/she is free for a dialogue. Almost all chat-rooms offer you a status update to highlight whether you are free, available busy or in a meeting.

Initiate a dialogue only if the person is free and if you are not disturbing his schedule. Start with a neutral ‘Hello’ and ‘How Are you?’ greetings. Continue the chat only if your greetings are replied.

2. Polite conduct

Keep your conduct, polite and sober. Never keep the person hanging for an answer, especially when it is expected from you quickly. In case you wish to avoid the question, say you are busy and would like to answer later, instead of keeping the chat box empty.

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3. Inform before leaving

Always inform the person in the chat that you are going offline of will be back after some time. Never leave your chat without mentioning. Use the chat language such as ‘BRB’ for Be Right Back to mention your absence from the chat. However, in case you are busy with a client, make sure that you avoid abbreviations. Instead, always mention the absence with its reason.

4. Chat tone

In the world of online chatting, writing in Caps Letters is considered an aggressive tone. It may be a mistake on your side or you may be kidding with your friend, but texting in Caps is absolutely unacceptable. However, abbreviations like LMAO, LOL or ROFL can be mentioned in your chat, but you need to be sure of not over-using these emotions much in your chat.

5. Check your Language

Make sure you use proper language while chatting online. You may shorten the spelling of each word you write, but make sure your conduct is nice and not offensive. Also ensure that your message is conveyed perfectly to your friend or client despite of the chatting language.

6. Attention to your audience

Give due attention to your audience instead of being self-obsessed during the chat. Never keep your image in the inset picture box to check your expressions and looks. This is quite distracting for the person chatting with you. Also, never try and do other things such as checking your email, other online friends etc. along with chatting with your partner, friend or client. This seems more like an insult for the person chatting with you.

Follow these Chat room etiquettes and make sure that all your chat sessions are full of fun and interest. Respect others, not just in person but also in the chat rooms.

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