Egg Freezing

Egg Freezing – The New Revolutionary Choice For Urban Women

For couples busy in their corporate life, here is a good news regarding family planning. The Egg Freezing technology is now fast catching up with the urban couples of today’s generation. The technology is a new way to safeguard the chances of a conception in the later ages of their life.

The Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) has made a record breaking and revolutionary advancement in science. It offers several techniques to couples who wish to have children, including people who are unfortunate in doing so due to medical conditions.

Oocyte cryopreservation is one such technology which is gaining great acceptance in the urban women of India. Also commonly known as Egg Freezing, this technology is a very novel technology in which the eggs of a woman, scientifically known as oocytes, are extracted, frozen and then stored. These frozen oocytes can later be used when the woman is ready to carry a baby.

Once decided, these eggs are then thawed, fertilized and transferred into the uterus, in the form of a developing embryo. Dr. Hrishikesh D. Pai, the Director of infertility, Fortis La Femme, explains that when an egg or an oocyte matures, a medication is given to trigger ovulation. These eggs are then extracted from the woman’s body via and ultrasound guided needle and immediately frozen at a controlled temperature and rate.

The technology helps safeguard a woman’s fertility potential, particularly those fighting from cancer which involves severe treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation and also medication. These treatments affect the oocytes in the womb and also harm the ovaries. Egg Freezing is also a boon for women with a family history of early menopause.

According to the researchers, there are 75% chances of a woman having live birth if she freezes her eggs before the age of 35. The procedure can be easily performed despite of diseases such as pancreas, breast and gall bladder cancers.

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