
Hair Supplements: Do They Work?

Every female knows the value of a good hair cut. After all, hair takes incredibly long to grow back again, making it just that bit more difficult to grow out of a shoddily-done or bad cut. Growing out of a cut can, frankly, be a slightly too tedious and long-drawn task. And, if reports (and Miley Cyrus, herself) are to be believed, even celebrities have had to face this tedium. That is, until just about now.

Speaking on a recent episode of E! Fashion Police to Kelly Osbourne, the pop singer admitted to using a breakthrough hair supplement, Viviscal, in a bid to grow out her hair as soon as possible. As readers might remember, in August of last year, the 20-year-old pop sensation got a celebrity hair stylist Chris McMillan to chop her long locks into a then trendy pixie cut and then dye them platinum blonde. So excited was she that she didn’t waste any time in sharing her new cut with the world, posting several photos on Instagram and Twitter.

miley-cyrusViviscal, the Hair Supplements

So what is Viviscal? As per beauty blog, it is one of the best-selling hair supplements in the world. It recently got a huge popularity boost after numerous Hollywood hairstylists began using it on celebs including, but not limited to, Kate Hudson. The hair supplement contains an exclusive complex of nutrients Biotin and Zinc (to help maintain normal and healthy hair growth from within), fused with the marine protein complex AminoMar. This concoction is exclusive to the brand.

But the question on everyone’s mind is, whether, this strange and fascinating concoction will manage to do its job! If the word out on the blogosphere is to be believed, the answer is a resounding yes. Yahoo! Shine staff writer Andrea Arterbery wrote favorably about her experience with the pill. Much like Cyrus herself, Andrea loves hair extensions, but hates the effects that they sometimes have on hair. In her case, the effects were as drastic as hair breakage and excessive shedding. After she started taking a Viviscal extra-strength pill every day, Andrea noticed that many of the harmful effects of her weave-wearing ways had started reversing, and she was back to her normal crop of healthy, voluminous hair in just about eight months.

There Are Examples Outside

Over at, founder Amber Katz also had success with the hair growth supplement. She has been taking the pill for two years now, and has a good, long crop of hair to show for it. She, however, did point out a couple of side effects she experienced—hair turned excessively oily, and the need to shave legs more often. But all those seem to be minor quibbles when compared to the crop of full and shiny hair she sports.

Apart from hair growth supplements, Viviscal also offers other products like hair filler fibers, shampoo and conditioner. Additionally, it also has a line of men’s products as well. The website touts the fact that it takes about six months to achieve stronger, fuller, healthier hair, even though most people will notice a difference much earlier—usually after three to four months.

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