
I Often See Myself As a Daughter To My Parents But Unfortunately They See Me As a Girl

Perception– The cognitive process, the understanding or perceiving a particular thing in a manner or a way….this word can be explained in many different ways….but unfortunately this word has taken down the Indian society to a greater extent. The mentality and the mind-set of the people have become very rigid and stiff. Although the literacy rate of India is 74.04% (as per the 2011 census), it has not changed the attitude and outlook of people. It is a very depressing fact that people want changes but again at the same time they don’t want to change for girls. And its roots are very much deeply seen in the Indian families itself. Yes, I am talking about the discriminations among the siblings in families. What kind of attitude people hold? Why they discriminate among their siblings? Why they frame different rules for their sons and daughters? Why sons are more trusted than daughters? Why sons are allowed to stay out whole night and girls are expected to be at homes at 7? These are the questions I often ask myself…and the answer that I get back is – because I am a girl. And if my parents only categorize me differently than my brothers, then how and what can I expect from this society?

Our education ministers are working upon many different courses to be introduced. But, they always forget to introduce a course that would enlarge and expand the thinking of the people towards gender indiscrimination. It is very necessary to change the perceptions of the people and especially of the parents. They do feel afraid of the heinous incidences that take place and that directly affects their perceptions and mentality and so it affects their daughters too. Someone has said that—now there is no difference between a girl and a boy—myth, simply a blunder. Our society has not at all changed for girls. In fact it has become more stringent and rigorous by eyeing such incidences.

I still remember the outrageous chapters and events that took place or maybe are still taking place wherein the crime of pre-natal sex-determination used to be carried out in the hospitals and brutally they used to abort the child if it was a girl. On top of that they fed the stray dogs with those foetuses; Strange but, true. Some examples are from history also. There were people who supported the practices of Dudhpiti and Sati in our country and these all definitely is banned now but still at some places, people after the death of a husband and/or after conceiving a girl child, takes away the happiness of life and motherhood from that woman. For the sake of having a baby boy, the mothers also start praying for the same and sometimes the reason behind it is the movies, advertisements, TV serials etc. They also have their individual devious role to play, where gender discrimination is widely accepted and enjoyed. The concepts of Mothers-in-law harassing the daughters-in-law, for giving birth to a girl child or say boys having all the privileges compared to their sisters in family has brainwashing effects on women.

This is just an appeal to all the parents, not to discriminate between their children and a humble request that before asking your daughters to stay home and ask them to behave in a good manner, ask your sons to behave properly with girls. The girls would then automatically be safe and the parents won’t feel scared for their daughters.

Image Source: Writerway.com

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