
Including Women In Formal Peace Signing Team Would Be Highly Effective

It is a well known fact that women have always been a peacemaker. She is and has been instrumental in settling issues either at home, amongst relatives or at times the place of work. Yet, when it comes to signing peace pacts men have taken a leading stand or they are involved. Why is the question?

This fact is seen at both levels; national and international. A report states that this imbalanced approach has to change. A resolution passed by the U N Security that ladies should participate equally to uphold world peace.

But the least inclusion of women in the teams sent by the UN on Peace missions shows that the motion is practiced at a very low level. The lady police and armed officers were ten and two percent of the total strength.

According to statistics and survey not a single lady participant was included in the important peace treaties signed from the early nineties. In seven of the twenty four treaties had the ladies working towards peace, but in the signing formalities.

The settlements reached without taking the needs of women and girls would not bring about peace in the true sense of the word. Moreover, the absence of the women officials would waste a mighty source that can otherwise make a major contribution towards world peace.

It is sad that women’s tendency of not being able to keep secrets is used as an excuse for not involving ladies in the signing process. In fact this omission is the cause for the lack of freedom and protection for women in the areas after signing the peace treaties.

The women office bearers would help in bringing about peace in all the areas for everyone (both men and women) concerned. While the male officials look only at the overall peace and in the framework to sustain peace.

In spite of the peace brought about in the conflict areas like Sierra Leone, women and girls do not experience peace, being the outcome of the fights have left behind poverty, women harassment both at home and outside, lack hygiene and education.

Ladies and young women try to settle issues by forming small groups till it reached an official level when the men intervened. Thus, when it came to formalities, ladies are not involved.

Even at international level a peace making team includes just half a dozen ladies. Their presence is symbolic, perhaps just as spectators. The skills and sustaining peace at home and in the surroundings is not given any importance at the state, country or global levels.

Irrespective of getting any recognition women have and will continue to maintain peace. It is recommended that a certain percentage of women must be involved in peace processes. Though, a large amount of money is earmarked for the peace work done by ladies, it is not utilized. All leading countries should adopt the same principles like the UK and support the women in the peace making activities in all possible ways.

Based on these facts, the governments have kept issues addressing women and girl child as a foremost priority and to enhance women empowerment from all aspects.

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