
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

70% of women have gone through violence in their lifespan. And majority of them do not raise their voice against it. It is high time that women raise their voice and oppose it. Many people do not know that UN is supporting and playing a huge part in spreading awareness to stop violence against women.

November 25 has been selected as “The International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women” by The UN General Assembly. The history of this date goes back to 1960, when the Mirabal sisters were assassinated by Dominican dictator. The activists started revolt against women violence and awareness in 1981. In 1999 December 17th, the UN officially named the revolution.

Orange day is proclaimed by UN Secretary General’s Campaign on every 25th of the month. The UN Secretary -General has officially announced the extension of UNiTE to End Violence Against Women’s Orange Day for 16 days this year. The campaign is about Violence Against Gender-Based, starting today 25th of November, International Day to End Violence Against Women, upto 10th of December, Human Rights Day.


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