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Racial Discrimination in India – Are we in the 21st modern era?

We talk of women empowerment, equality and education. But somehow the basics of life such as ‘Humanity’ are forgotten in this new generation where men and women work head to head in all metros. Today, a huge majority of Indians, yes Indians are facing racial discrimination in India itself. Sad, shocking and almost unbelievable isn’t it?

I am not talking about the racial discrimination we Indians face in other countries, but the discrimination a wide number of people belonging to the northeast India face every single day. Small Chinese eyes, cute smile and a pale skin! They are called ‘Chinki’ by a lot of people which is itself a racial comment.

According to law, a racial comment can land a person in jail for 5 long years. But, can punishment really stop racism? No! It’s not punishment but education that can make the difference. So, let’s join hands and fight against Racism.

Here is a video highlighting the natural reaction of people against racism. This video is made by the Trouble Seeker Team, who installed hidden cameras for this social experiment.


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