SHE – The Women of Substance

Women… The weaker Sex! A woman suffers immense pain while giving birth to a new life that is equivalent to the pain of 20 bones being fractured at the same time… So, how can she be called the Weaker Sex of the society?

Biased by values, biased by thoughts, teachings and outlook to upbringing…the life of a woman is itself highly biased. Right from childhood, girls are discriminated from boys. Not going out during late evenings, wearing clothes that cover your legs, not talking to boys or men, sitting with closed legs and many more. There are restrictions on girls, even before they understand the meaning of life, the meaning of being a woman.

Patriarchy is a term used widely in today’s generation, although it is a very old word, meaning father is the head of the family and the son his descendent. The term is used today to highlight the pain of Women. It is a term now used to describe the so called Weaker Sex who suffers from several torments and evils of the society including Gender bias, rape, sexual harassment, eve teasing, etc.

In India, a major 48.3% of the population belongs to women, women who suffer from social injustice and violence. But no more! Raise your voice, Fight for your respect, Fight for your right to make a difference in the society. Remember, An Act Of Rebel Will spark a Revolution and this Revolution will change the life of every woman in the country.

So, if you want to live free and enjoy your freedom, it is time you understand your power and show it to the world. Fight for life, Fight for Right…Fight Patriarchy!

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