
Use Tacts and Discretion While Making Up After A Tiff

Making friends or meeting a right companion is not very easy and to maintain the relationship is an even difficult task. One has to nurture the bond. More so if the bonding is with your spouse. However close or understanding both are, difference of opinions and arguments are bound to happen. A little bit of flaring up is healthy between the two. It not only adds to the charm, but is also healthy.

These tiffs give you a better understanding of your better half. It also gives both of you a chance to evaluate the importance of the relationship and work towards strengthening the same. Making up after a fight is not very easy. More so when you love the other person deeply and are sorry about the argument.

If you can say sorry and make up immediately, then the matter would settle there and then. Yet, saying sorry is not always that easy as it seems. While making up, there are certain aspects that may make your partner drift away or increase the misunderstandings. So, take care about these approaches.

The approaches to be avoided are:

  • Don’t draw the curtain between
    If you need time and room to ease your emotions then say so when your spouse approaches you. Ignoring him totally may make him feel punished. He may not confide or express the cause of the flare up. Ask for a few hours or a day’s respite before you could become normal.
  • Don’t keep tabs on the wrong words mentioned
    Forget or rather don’t remind your spouse about what happened. Harping on the same words over and over will not help in solving the problem.
  • Apologize in a right manner
    Voice your regret in a right manner. Explain why you are sorry and add that you would be careful in the future.
  • You should be responsible for the flare up
    There may be quite a few reasons for you to lose your cool. Mentioning your work stress, lack of sleep or not being your usual self may help your spouse to avoid issues or rather to know what should be expected. Your partner may have suggestions to help you cheer up.
  • If your mate wants to settle the difference immediately, be available
    Mention that you would be ready to talk, once he sets his thoughts right. If after a couple of days, the problem is re-mentioned don’t ignore. Listen to what your partner says, understand and ascertain what it meant. Take the issue in the right sense and start afresh.
  • Grumbling and using wrong adjectives will only hurt your spouse
    Instead of voicing your thoughts immediately wait for an opportunity to explain your view and at the same time understand his point of view too. Talk rationally and take joint decisions. This will help you have a strong bond.
  • Say No lovingly
    There are many men and women who would want to get physically close after a tiff to wipe off the hurt. If you are not in a mood for any hugs and kisses say so politely without hurting your partner.

Besides all these facts, other approaches like, not feeling guilty for the uproars and also not saying that it was not what was meant, would be a great way to patch up after a quarrel. Forget about the fight and start again towards a healthy and loving relationship.

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