women artist

Women Artists Must Get An Equal Place In The Art World

Art schools and colleges have a high percentage of women students. Most of them have reached the level of holding one man shows or group exhibitions at various art galleries. But what would be the outcome? Will their names appear in the list of eminent artists of the year? Would their artwork sell at the same price as the work of their male counterparts?

Trying to find an answer; curators and art critics around the world have conducted audits at personal levels. Most of the last year lists; collected from sources like Auction houses, public and private collections indicate a very negligible contribution from ladies.

To be precise, most of the lists seem to be having names of men alone. The famous Auction of art work held every year in London showed all the hundred paintings that had monograms of male artists.

Adding fuel to fire, the artwork exhibited at various places belonging to the nation; had an eight percent entry from women artists. Speaking about this issue by art lovers and feminine activists at various lectures met with mixed reactions. Some feel that the issue has been solved; women artists are being recognized, the percentage of their entries have increased. These facts are based on the achievements of a few artists like Tracy Emin and others. The present situation is just the other way round.

Motivated by the women activist groups who emphasized on this disparity raised a question about including art works made by women artists – Their question was whether women in the show would be portrayals of nude models and not as talented artists, many people volunteered to conduct a detailed survey of paintings and artworks.

The findings surprised not only the art world, but also the common man. Most of the surveys stated the works to be done ages ago. The survey also reveals the fact that the international inclusion was just a mere five percent. This has to change. Highly talented women artists cannot be deprived of a platform to prove their creativity.

Thanks to the hue and cry raised by the feminist groups there has been a negligible change. We have to go a long way to get the women artists an equal place. This change can happen only if the feminine strength fights for the cause at a global level.

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