asian fashion

Asian Fashion Goes Global

We have seven large continents in the world with cultures, languages, food, people and many other things different to each other. The modern technology has however shrunk the whole world into a very small place and today there are a lot of intercultural bond building up where the people are trying to share the differences and experience the beauty of new possibilities. There are so many elements that could be pointed out as examples for the cross cultural globalization. Even if you consider the movies, you could find a lot of instances where they are trying to combine a lot of elements from different cultures and also there are examples from music where you could find the cultures being mixed. These musics and related cross cultural elements are becoming increasingly popular and it could be said that they are mainly pursued by people with the intent of finding something different and adding them to their lives.

So talking about these shared diversities, one of the most significant elements that we could observe is none other than fashion. The western fashions went in a totally different direction until recently, they have started embracing the Asian elements in their fashion products. The reason why a lot of people have gained interest in these products is because they have the ability to view all these beautiful products and how they look at people and then all of them have now started asking the question “why not”? The so called nationality and cultural boundaries and territories are expanding now and the whole world is moving into a new dimension.

So it is very clear that we are heading towards a global fashion and in the future there is a chance that there would even be a global costume. It would be right to say that the Asian fashion may be having the most diverse range of items. The reason probably is that Asia is the largest continent and that there are a number of countries forming it. Therefore the cultural diversity of Asia can be pointed out as very high. A lot of westerners are picking interest in these Asian fashions and they are trying to create more and more items that have both the characteristics of the Asian and the western cultures. You may even have seen a lot of celebs wearing such mixed costumes to movie premiers and parties.  There are a number of young Asian fashion designers who have started a global fashion storm using their native designs and combining them with various western fashion elements. A lot of changes have taken place within the past couple of years and things still keep on changing. If you would have noticed, there are loads of Korean and Japanese designers who have started producing such mixed items.

The thing is, nowadays, to sell clothes, you don’t have to hit the local market as such but you can do the marketing and sales and everything through the internet. That is one big reason why the westerners took interest in Asian clothes. The Asian fashion is going global and it is certainly going to keep on expanding far and wide.

Author’s Bio: Joanna Robinson is a creative writer and a blogger. She loves to write articles in many different genres. Currently she is writing about beauty tips, contact lenses and Asian fashion.

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