Beautiful girl without makeup

Looking Gorgeous Naturally – Without Makeup

Every woman strives to look beautiful, an eye-catcher where ever she goes. But, if you think makeup is the only solution to look beautiful, let me tell you, you are thinking Wrong! Makeup helps you enhance your beauty and also hide your imperfections. But, there is also a way to look stunningly supreme without painting your face with layers of primers, foundation, blush, mascara and more! Dodge these makeup essentials and choose to look naturally beautiful, radiant and healthy with these simple tips below. Follow them and I promise, you will wake up a more radiant beauty than you ever were earlier.

wash your faceFace wash morning and night

Keep your face clean as much as possible. And the best way to do this is by washing it with a proper face wash every morning and evening. This will help you avoid acne and give you a more radiant, spotless skin.

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Choose a gentle cleanser

During the day, use a mild skin cleanser to give your skin a clean and oil-free look. Harsh cleaners remove skin cells that make your skin go dry. So, try using a cleanser that is hypo-allergic and non-comedogenic. Also make sure it suits your skin type.

apply creamUse a facial moisturizer suiting your skin

Oily or dry skin, moisturizers are a must. They prevent your skin from aging and avoid wrinkles. Use a good, skin moisturizer suiting your skin type soon after your face wash. Also, make sure it is rightly absorbed into your skin and not sticking on the surface which otherwise will invite more skin problems. Prefer a moisturizer with SPF 30 that also protects your skin from sun rays.


Replace mascara with Vaseline

A good mascara always highlights your eyes, making them look beautiful and big. But, if you want to look stunning and not harm your eyes with chemical based mascaras, replace them with Vaseline. Take a little Vaseline in your finger tips and rub them to your eye-lashes. This will make them glow and look healthy.

Coconut oil instead of lip-balm

Now this is one of the weirdest things you might have read until now. But, yes, using coconut oil for your lips is a great way of keeping them moist, lively and hydrated. They easily help heal dry and cracked lips as well.

woman plucking eyebrowsAvoid plucking eye-brow too much

Eyebrows are another very important feature on our face. Their shape help enhance the look of our entire face. But, when shaping your eyebrows, make sure you don’t pluck them much as they can be painful and make the skin loose around the eyes.

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Eat balanced food

The food you eat has its direct effect on your face. Healthier you eat, healthier your skin looks. Include a lot of salads, green vegetables and less oil in your diet to enjoy a healthy glow on your face. You will see your cheeks turn crimson due to the increased blood flow and a natural glow that no illuminator can give you.

sleep like babySleep like a baby

And most importantly, sleep soundly at night for long hours to give rest to your body. Sleep helps revive our skin from all the harsh pollutants that affected our skin during the day. You won’t need any rejuvenation therapies or skin reviving creams if you have a peaceful sound sleep.

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