men shoes

Shoes Reveal A Lot About Men

A person’s appearance is how a person is judged or evaluated. Probably a point or two is allotted to his attire and gait; which obviously includes his shoes. Unlike the early days when a man used shoes only to protect his feet, shoes and sandals have got an important place in a man’s dress code.

Think twice before you select your next pair! Shoes can reveal a lot about you, they leave a lasting impression on the observer. The first time a person meets you he or she can assess you from your get-up. Thus, it is essential to choose an ideal pair of shoes.

What do studies say?

According to studies and research, a lady can assess and understand a lot about men by the shoes he wears. How and when he wears them.

  • If a man wears less priced shoes while wearing rich and posh clothes, he is said to be less concerned about the finer details of dressing. In addition to that, if he wears them without a shoe shine, then is not a person of your choice.
  • A person wearing loafers is said to be mindful about his appearance. This individual may score a few points more than a woman on caring for his skin. If a man cuffing his pants wears them, then he is known to spend more time appreciating his reflection. But if he is seen wearing the shoes without stockings, then he should not be trusted. A man wearing jogging shoes, then the man would be an amusing character.
  • When a man wears the usual conventional shoes, he is known to be a dependable man, but at the same time if he wears the regular branded ones, then he could be an uninteresting companion. But at the same time, if a man wears the traditional shoes to work, he has a personality that is said to be from a responsible and caring family. He may be an estate owner, with a lot of property.
  • A hiker or struck with wanderlust may sport a pair fit for trekking and mountain climbing.

Though these are known to be facts that reveal so much about men wearing them, they also indicate their weaknesses if used while on a date. For instance: A man wearing sandals is known to be a cool person who can wait for things to happen, He feels casual about everything in life. If your date wears them, know for sure that may keep you waiting. Much to your disappointment he would take to the sea shore instead of a restaurant as expected by you.

In short; a man must be careful about his choice of footwear, if he wants to the women in life keep wondering about his character straits. Buy an extra pair of a right choice so that you are not forced to wear wrong footwear while you go dating.

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