
6 Drinks to Defy Aging

Looking beautiful and young is what we all crave for. Going to the gym, yoga, Pilates, following a diet, and applying tons of skin creams are some of the most basic methods we follow to look 20 forever. Each of these methods has a good effect on our skin, but only until you are following them strictly. But, if you wish to look beautiful and defy all the basic signs of aging, here are 6 drinks that will help you keep your beauty and radiant skin intact forever. Drink them at the appropriate time and see how it makes your skin glow.

drink water


Water: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. This will help remove the toxic wastes and keep your skin glowing at its best. According to Dr. David E. Bank, dermatologist, Mount Kisco, New York, hydrating your body will help your body stay fresh.



Coffee: Drink a cup of coffee during your breakfast and help your heart function rightly. It also helps your metabolic activities to function properly and reduces the risk for certain types of cancer.



green tea


Green tea: Best taken during your lunch time, green tea gives your body metabolism a kick-start and reduces risk to breast cancer. Black tea is also known to lower blood pressure and hence, helps you maintain your body’s vital functioning.






Hot cocoa: enjoy a cup full of hot cocoa during your snack time. If you can’t have it hot, add it to ice and enjoy its taste. The amount of antioxidants in cocoa is much higher than that present in green tea, red wine or even coffee. It is also good for your skin and heart.







Red wine: During your dinner time, enjoying a glass of wine is ideal for your health. It stimulates the production of Piceatannol that reduces fat cell growth in the body. Also, it boosts your blood in the body.




Milk: Last but not the least, milk is one drink that helps you stay strong from within. It provides your body with calcium, the mineral needed for keeping your bones and muscles strong. Drink it before going to bed and you will feel strong in the morning.

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