
A Change In Job Profiles Is Essential For Women To Accept Challenges

Thinking about the leaning in and out aspects of jobs makes one wonder about the various factors that make ladies hesitate taking up leading positions at work. What is the basic reason behind their hesitations?

The first and foremost reason is the demands that accompany the top positions.

The person leading the unit cannot stick to a routine nine to five office hours. The person has to stay back to plan and motivate the other team members. Very often the senior official has to go on tours for many days. Is this possible for a woman who has young children?

Just a handful of women have been able to pursue their career and at the same time take care of their families. They too compromise to Lean In.  We come across so many articles about women who are at home after a few years of work, repent for missing out some of the growing up experiences of their children.

A full time mother may be out of her home much of the time, escorting her young ones to various classes; yet she has the satisfaction of being there for her family. She may not give her job or career a first place.

Many of the multinational firms having branches all over the world have openings and would prefer to have ladies as department heads, but they too find ladies hesitate to accept the promotion offers. Why?

Do the ladies have doubts about their own abilities?  No.

As long as they are able to enjoy flexible working hours and the permission to work when their little ones are asleep or they are given permission to leave early then women talent would not go waste.

The ladies working as department heads may be in a position to still drop their children to school because the kids are small. But how will they reschedule their working hours when their children enter their teens and are awake till the wee hours of dawn? This is when a young girl needs her mother.

A woman would love to do a job or take up the responsibility of leadership; but at her terms. So if her words are important at th
e board, then principles, rules and regulations of the companies have to change. The men in the management have to give in. They have to use their powers to make the necessary changes.

Women will not be seen disappointed that as mothers they know less about their children than other adults at school or crèches. She can enjoy the double role and at the same time not pay a heavy price to hold the top position at work.

The ratio of women holding prestigious posts or professionals is less, when compared to the number of ladies working in other sections. They all lean in, don’t they?

An efficient and qualified woman should never be asked to choose between her kids and career.  If a woman’s exclusive ideas, her creativity and intelligence are important to a company; her decisions would improve the industries’ growth, then alter the work module and utilize the women talent, which is in a Lean Out position

Since men have the keys to the power-lock their total support alone can help to increase the number. The situation can and has to be changed. Editorials and articles written by men also feel that the men around should support the ideas for changes in the working ambience so that the firms flourish under woman’s soft but firm discipline.

Let’s accept, the change in degree of demands from the leading designates would ease the responsibilities that men (husbands and fathers) face. It would be a winning aspect for all.

One would always second the thought voiced by some of the leading woman professionals that the transformation will occur only if ladies work with the men and not separate to face the issue from all angles of society. Thus, apart from the ladies looking into their personal hurdles; the society should make the essential changes in the frame work for ladies to have an easy access to leadership positions.

This dialogue should include people from all walks of life; the topics should include all aspects of the job profile and lifestyle at home. A change in attitude and acceptance of all factors alone will bring about much awaited “Social ambience change”

The above mentioned features would relate to the ladies who can afford the expense and spend quality time with children.  Many issues of working ladies cannot be included in this forum.

It is so easy to raise our hands and state that a woman can’t always have her way. This puts the onus of balancing life and work on women.  Is the business world not equally responsible for the ladies leaning out?

Change is inevitable, for both to have an equal job opportunity.

Besides fulfilling the duties of a mother, for several years many ladies have done their share of social responsibility towards the society.

But today the choice is a woman’s

She has changed tracks from leaning in! And is unaware of what her tomorrows hold.  But there is no turning back. Perhaps, given a choice; she would Lean Out again to experience the joy of motherhood.

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