
Complete Guide to Weight Loss for Women

Interesting Facts About Weight Loss

Is Zero size a sign of being healthy? What is the best age to shed some weight? Is there any miracle rule of weight loss? These are a few of the questions that most girls and women ask for themselves and also for others. In this article I will be answering to these and many other questions that you should know and think about.

It is almost impossible to generalize women and find the reasons and solutions of weight loss for women. Therefore, before we proceed ahead I think it is better to divide girls and women into three biological groups.

  • Pre Menstruation – 0 to 10 Age: Body is still growing so it is not appropriate to say whether the child is fat or not. Excess weight or body density can also be due to some disease or malnutrition.
  • Post Menstruation and Pre Menopause – 11 to 45 Age: It is post 14 year of age that you should start trying to control your body weight and density.
  • Post Menopause – 45 and Above Age: Women of this age generally gain weight due to hormonal changes.

Depending on these three biological divisions we can understand how and what a woman should do for weight loss. First thing first, your weight is not always a problem. What you should know that your body weight should be normal as per the BMI count.

BMI – Body Mass Index is a measure that calculates your weight against your body height. For example, if you happen to be 4.10 (58 inches) tall, your body weight should be 91-95 pounds (41 to 44 kg). This is the ideal body weight and if you want to know your body weight just need a BMI Calculator. You can also calculate BMI = Weight x Height2.

Need Weight Loss Help?

weight-loss-scale-helpHow many times in a day do you think that you are fat and you need weight loss help? Even if the count is 1 this article is useful for you. You need to consider that weight loss is not a magic, it needs a lot of dedication and physical training to go through. If you find any company that guarantee weight loss in a month or so through any device or drug, then you should say NO to them. They may be harmful for your health in a long run.

Sometimes your BMI is normal, yet you look fat. What to do in such conditions?

If you find that as per BMI your body weight is normal, still you look fat then it is not the weight but the improper distribution of your body fat that makes you look fluffy. What you need to do is take a walk daily. Morning and evening walk for 15-30 minutes will be sufficient. This will help your body spread fat all over your body, besides depositing on your tummy or thigh.

What Are Quick Weight Loss Tips?

woman runningRunning is important and if you can do, you should run for 15-30 minutes in the morning and then walk for 15-30 minutes in the evening. This combination will be very healthy for your body, not just now, but for a long term. You should never stop doing this; it is a very healthy habit and can keep you fit and attractive for a longer period if practiced on a daily basis. All actresses practice morning walk or run. The Golden Era girl Marilyn Monroe used to run every morning and also was famous for lift-weights. This is helpful for all age groups, and is always effective.

What Are The Quick Weight Loss Diets?

weight loss dietsQuick weight loss diets consist of well distributed nutrition, fat, protein, calcium, anti-oxidant, etc. among fruits, vegetables, drinks and other edibles. And yes stop drinking fizzy drinks. Switch to diet soft drink as it has negligible calories as compared to other soft fizzy drinks.

What Are The Best Weight Loss Drinks?

woman-drinking-waterWater: It is capable to destroy hundreds and thousands of calories per day. It also stops you from overeating, as it makes you feel that your stomach is full.

Black Coffee: Black coffee is full of anti-oxidant and is also calorie-free. Drinking once or twice a day can help you fight fatal diseases like cancer, diabetes and blood pressure. Besides it doesn’t boost or encourage any fat cells to grow or multiply.

Fruit Juice: 10% fruit juice is very good for health, it has anti-oxidants and vitamins. While other mixed fruit juice contains many harmful chemicals. Fruit juice is also part of many popular juice fasting plans like this one.

Milk: Skimmed milk, yoghurt and cheese are the products obtained from milk and are rich in calcium. But they don’t either increase your body weight as these drinks don’t have much contents of fat and other nutrition.

There are many other drinks like green tea, shakes, etc. helpful to lose weight with taste.

What are Weight Loss Shakes?

woman-drinking-shakeThere are many types of milk shakes and smoothies that are beneficial to health. Smoothies like a mixed fruit smoothie has many important vitamins and minerals that help your body fight against many diseases. Make these shakes in skimmed milk, as it will also get you some calcium without fat.

What Are The Measure To Weight Loss For Women Over 45?

health-elderly_2323847bFor women who have crossed the age of 40 years, there are certain things that they should strictly follow.

  • Proper and low calorie diet: As their metabolism starts fading, so they should eat less and that too only low calorie and low fat foods.
  • Change in eating habits: As per some researches, whatever a woman eats post 8pm is likely to be converted to fat and will be stored in the hip bones or on the stomach. So they will start looking fat.
  • Consume fat-fighting and anti-oxidant rich foods.
  • Yoga and other exercises that is mild yet effective. Walking is also a good option, but running can prove to be a bad choice, unless you are accustomed to it since ages.
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