Friends Make You Fat

Don’t Let Your Friends Make You Fat

Friends and social contacts often influence a person’s lifestyle. In fact, grownups often advice their children to be in the company of studious and intelligent students, so that an average student could be inspired to become better by the intelligent friends.

If this school of thought is appreciated or accepted, then the recent study that obese and fat friends tend to make their friends fat; would also be easily accepted. Friends have a lot in common. But, they also share their health or obesity, how sad!

To an extent, this is true because visiting restaurants and eateries is a favorite outing. Once friends start eating and sharing dishes, they always end up eating more. Only, the health and diet conscious ones get left out.

On the other hand, friends can also help you in losing weight or other things by stopping you at the right time. So, think twice before you break your friendship.

There are many like minded friends who would share and work together with you to lose weight. They will help you achieve your objective.

Research proves that family and close friends can influence a person to be fat. Family history can also be a reason for fatness.

All the above facts help a person to assess his own condition and work towards reducing one’s weight. Being influenced is one side of the coin. The other side is to be responsible for one’s own health and fitness. Unless you allow, nobody can influence your weight.

However, more one wants to be in charge of one’s weight, when it comes to food and delicacies, it is difficult for a person to resist. One keeps saying that it would be the last indulgence and will not eat the next time. Next time never comes.

How to overcome the fatness issue?

The answer would be to understand one’s own need for food. Eat only when you are hungry and eat as much as you need. Don’t take an extra helping because the food has a superb taste. Refuse an extra helping when offered by others.

Besides satisfying your own hunger, nothing else should influence you to eat more. Don’t be tempted. Instead of allowing your friends’ overweight or obesity to have an adverse effect on you, influence them with your own health conscious eating habits.

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