double chin exercise

Exercises to lose your Double Chin

Double chins are always annoying. No matter what you wear or what you do to lose them, getting rid of that pesky double chin simply seems too difficult. But not anymore! Here are few effectual, easy and fast tips to help you get rid of that fat from your body. Follow the instructions strictly and you can enjoy a well toned up look and absolutely no double chin.

  • Losing body weight – Double chin is one of the main indicators of being overweight. But, in order to lose your double chin you need to make sure you lose overall weight from your body. Unfortunately, there is no method of only targeting your double chin.As you start exercising and losing weight, the fat starts to disappear most primarily from your face. Follow a healthy diet with lean meats, fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk products and also whole grains. They will help burn your excess fat. But also make sure that you avoid too much salt, sugar or fatty food items. Perform aerobic exercises that will strengthen your heart and increase its heart rate for about 30 minutes. Burn more calories as compared to the amount you consume. This will help you lose your double chin.
  • Sit straight – A good posture always helps you avoid unnecessary fat deposits all across your body, including double chin.Sitting straight makes your double chin less noticeable and also strengthens your jaw muscles, thus preventing fat from depositing on your chin. For correcting your sitting posture use an ergonomic chair for your workplace.
  • Chew gum exercise – Chewing gum is one of the best known chin exercises that help develop your facial muscles. It will burn the fat from your double chin and also help your skin stay firm.
  • Double chin exercises – Perform double chin exercises regularly to burn the fat deposition on your chin and keeping your skin firm. The exercises mentioned here also help avoid skin sagging due to fat loss.Exercises that act on the Platysma muscle are considered the best for double chin. It is the muscle that runs down the jawline to your shoulder. Here are the steps for this exercise:
  • Stretch your mouth wide open.
  • Pull your lower lip tightly over the bottom teeth.
  • In this position, move your lower jaw up and down.
  • Repeat at least 10 – 15 times initially. Slowly increase the number to your comfort for stronger facial muscles.

Here is another exercise that you can perform for toning your facial muscles. This exercise can be performed during your workouts.

  • Assume yourself in a standing or a seated position.
  • Now slowly tilt your head and look towards the sky.
  • Pull together your lips like a kissing pose. Hold the pose for 5 seconds and release.
  • Keep your other facial muscles in a relaxed position when performing this exercise.

You can also try neck rolls for toning and stretching your jaw and neck muscles. You can do them in both conditions, while sitting and standing. However, make sure you keep your spine straight when performing the exercises.

  • Move your chin slowly towards one shoulder.
  • Slowly drop your head into the center position.
  • Now again roll your head back towards the other shoulder and rest your chin on it.

Repeat the exercises at least 10 to 15 times per workout for getting rid of your annoying double chin.

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