hot beverages

Food Stuff That Can Harm Your Teeth

Many of the fruits, vegetables and other food stuff that we eat usually tastes great to our taste buds but they are not always teeth friendly. If a person is already facing dental problems like tooth decay, these food items can worsen them.

The acid content in some of the citrus fruits and other pungent vegetables can harm the tooth ‘enamel’.

The food stuff that can cause tooth problems include:

dry-fruitsDry fruits
Dry fruits are tasty and nutritious. they contain natural sweetness and are ‘sticky. The fruit particles settle between the teeth leading to germs and bacteria which multiply and may corrode the teeth. Clean the mouth after you eat dry fruits and nuts.

aerated drinksDrink your aerated drinks quickly
Juices and fruit drinks that have lot of gas and are sweet to taste should be consumed fast. Having them slowly will allow the acidic element present in the juice harm the teeth.

Hard boiled SweetsHard boiled Sweets
Sweet dishes melt slowly. This can cause teeth corrosion. So, eat them in small amounts and fast to avoid dental problems.

hot beveragesHot beverages
A hot cup of ‘coffee or tea’ may keep you fresh but they tarnish your teeth. Adding sugar to coffee or tea will make particles of food remain between the teeth. This may cause tooth decay.

Above all these, the most damaging aspect are the acid present in fruits and vegetables. Make a note of fruits that are less acidic in nature and save your teeth.

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