
Kodinhi – A Village of Twins

Kodinhi is a name unheard for most of us! But it is very famous across the globe for its unorthodox achievement. There is nothing special done by the villagers of Kodinhi. But, as a matter of fact, they themselves are amused as everybody else. What is it that made us talk about the Kodinhi Village that is located in Kerala, just 25 kilometers from the district Malappduram?

Well, the answer to the question is here. The village has enormously high numbers in the birth rate of twins. This Keralian town has a population of around 2000 people out which there are about 350 pairs of twins. The beginning of these strange occurrences started around 60-70 years back.
Normally, the chances of having twins are 6 in every 1,000 live births globally. And India is considered to be on the lower side in producing twins in the world. But Kodinhi produces 42 twins every 1,000 live births, which is 700% higher than global average.

While you walk across the village you will see twins everywhere; old and young, identical and non-identical. This means almost every house in the village has a twin. There are many funny incidents occurring in the village, like teachers in school find it difficult to identify the twin siblings. People in local market too, face the similar situation. Moreover the newly wedded couples often make mistake in identifying their partner in the beginning of their married life.

However, the birth rate of Kodinhi village’s twins remains a mystery coupled with curiosity for everyone.

Confused by the twin births, doctors are still trying to solve the mystery of the village that is boasting about their 220 plus twin cases. The experts from around the world have visited the village to unreveal this mystery but have been left puzzled. A local doctor, Dr Krishnan Sribiju has been analyzing the twins in Kodinhi for few years now. Dr Sribiju says, although the number of twins registered is 220 but the actual number is way above that.

The genetic, hereditary, biological, molecular and climatic factors of the confusing phenomena are all a matter of subject in the research. One more interesting thing to note is that the women married to men of Kodinhi village, and the women of Kodinhi village when married to men of other villages also have been giving birth to twins.

While the unusual yet amazing incidents of twin births in this village continues, an in-depth study on the various factors to find out its causes has become highly essential for researchers. Meanwhile, Kodinhi continues to send back the researchers with more questions than answers.

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