Weight loss and Psoriasis

Weight loss and Psoriasis – Are they related?

Is Psoriasis and weight loss related? According to a recent study performed, weight loss is believed to have a good effect on the Psoriasis. Losing your excess weight will help you reduce the chronic symptoms of Psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition. It is an autoimmune disorder that causes scaly red patches all across your skin. Several researches have been performed to find the relation between this skin condition and the patient’s excess weight. According to those researches, people with excess weight are at an increased risk of suffering from psoriasis and also certain heart conditions.

During the research, a large group of obese people, also suffering from psoriasis were studied closely with their conditions. Some of these people were randomly assigned to a simple weight loss diet. People who followed this regime and lost a considerable 34 pounds suffered from less skin irritation as compared to their mates. Also, due to the weight loss, they reported of a pleasant improvement in their life.

The research details published in the JAMA Dermatology also mention that the link between psoriasis and obesity can be easily explained through a condition called inflammation. People suffering from obesity often suffer from inflammation. On the other hand, psoriasis which was previously thought to affect only the skin is now believed to be caused due to a systemic and chronic auto-immune inflammation.

When you lose weight, the inflammation is somehow suppressed. Also, for proper recovery it is essential that you treat both, the conditions of being over-weight and the psoriasis.

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