weight loss

Weight War: Seven Steps to Win It Effortlessly

Every one desires to stay in perfect shape and strives real hard to achieve the desired digit on the weighing machine. And for this, we can go through any extent. But, if you think that you are done with the regular eat less and exercise more strategy, then it’s time to try the below mentioned steps. They may sound weird at first but they are worth trying. These steps will help you walk out confidently into the world giving others a run for their dear money.

1. Watch Yourself Eat in Front of A Mirror: Research has revealed that if we see ourselves eating food in front of a mirror, we tend to eat less. According to the research wing of Arizona State University and Erasmus University Rotterdam, this is an excellent lifesaver strategy. Since we are viewing ourselves eating, the realization that we are consuming more than needed occurs. As a result, cutting down on the extra calories is possible.

2. Let Males be Your Dining Partners: It was found that if you choose males companions to dine out, you will end up eating less. Studies have led to the conclusion that we become acutely aware of our gender. The outcome is that women restrict eating more in front of males to look and appear more “womanly”. Also, it has been found that even men consume less food in front of other men but will consume more in front of ladies to look more “masculine”.

3. Say No to Plastic Money: It is a well known fact that cards allow us to splash money without any restrictions. And this will only encourage your growing waistline. The reason is that we end up hoarding on junk food that can’t be controlled if we pay using our cards. Hence, researchers from Cornell and Binghamton Universities recommend that you use only cash to reimburse your food bills. It is advised to keep your cards at home and carry only the needed amount.

4. Inhale the Alluring Vanilla: Many people juggle to keep their craving for sugar low. To avoid indulging in the sinful sweet cravings, one should try to smell vanilla. Yes! It is true. The scent of Vanilla can help in suppressing the cravings. One can try lighting a vanilla candle or apply vanilla perfume. This aid is significantly cutting down appetite for sweets and other foods of the same genre.

5. Ditch Your Pyjamas: One should eat food while being comfortably dressed. But donning pyjamas can create quite a negative impact on your body. When you wear loose clothing, they can lead you into thinking that you are slimmer. This will shift your focus from your weight control and you might eat even more. Try to wear clothes that are fitted so that you are constantly aware of your body and eat as required.

6. Deck Your Kitchen in Shades of Blue: Colors are known to have different effects on man and his surroundings. Blue encourages calm and peace. Hence, it is used to paint bedrooms. You can also use it to for your kitchen. Blue works best for people who want to reduce weight and keeps hunger pangs away. It performs the role suppressing the need for food. So, select to have blue dishes, table accessories or even blue walls and cabinets.

7. Get A Facebook Account: Sounds a tad weird, isn’t it? Yes, you can lose weight if you are on the Facebook. We are often afraid of being seen as fat and unflattering in our photographs. The fear that one of our friends might tag us on the social site adds impetus to the weight loss campaign.

Facebook snaps are acknowledged to be the prime motive for people to get rid of the extra flab unlike trying to get into one’s favorite outfit.

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