bipasha basu

Diet Plans & Workouts According to your Body Shapes (Part 2 of 3)

Hello all! In the previous article we discussed about Ectomorphs. And in this article I would like throw some light on the second type of body, known as Mesomorphs.


Mesomorph is a person with an athletic physique. They have large muscles and bone structure. People with mesomorph body type are said to be gifted with perfect body. Their body is ideal for bodybuilding. Mesomorphs can lose weight easily and do not gain fat very fast, exceptions in some cases.

All that mesomorphs have to do is just workout regularly and maintain the body type and follow a healthy diet.

Characteristics of a Mesomorph:

  • Athletic
  • Strong
  • Well built muscles
  • Hard body
  • Easy muscle gain
  • Easier fat gains compared to ectomorphs
  • Rectangular body shape

Mesomorph: Diet

Weight gains are seen quickly on Mesomorphs, so they have to keep a watch on their daily calorie consumption. Mesomorphs have no major challenge in their diet. They just have to maintain a balanced diet which consists of 20-30% fats, 30-40% lean protein and 40% carbs. Usually, 500 calories are sufficient for a mesomorph to maintain their body, and if looking to shed some kilos, then you can reduce your diet to 200-500 calories per day.

Oatmeal, potatoes, dried fruits are high in carbohydrates and fulfill your daily carbohydrate need of the body. For increasing the fats intake it is advisable to increase your intake of olive oil, flax seed oil, nuts and avocados in your diet.

Mesomorph: Training

The mesomorphs react best to any kind of weight training. The perfect training for a mesomorph is the combination of cardio workout and weights. Being in possession of such a great body type, the best workout for you is yoga, step classes, boot camps and Pilates. For building and strengthening your muscles and enhancing your stamina, you can try the circuit training.

As a newbie to the workouts, you can start with light weights or with moderate ones. But being a newbie, it is advisable for you to workout not more than 3 times a week on any part of the body. And each part should have a maximum of 3 exercises of 3 to 4 sets. Your workout must have a break of 30 to 60 seconds after each set of exercise.

To make your body look perfect in shape you should keep varying the intensity of your workout sessions or else it will look like a bulky one. Your smart workout should consist of force sets and strip sets technique, running and skipping.

I will soon be writing the third and final body type – The Endomorphs

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