white buttoned mushrooms

Weight Loss Secret Ingredient – White Button Mushrooms

weight  lossLosing weight is always an issue for most health conscious people. Giving up on your favorite food items like red meat, sauces, potatoes and more, is quite difficult. But, if you are aware about the secret ingredient that helps you lose weight, weight loss can become an easy task for you. Replace red meat with White button mushrooms and enjoy your meals as usual, while still losing weight.

According to a recent study performed by the Weight Management Center, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, white button mushrooms help you lose weight considerably. Participants in this study ate one cup of mushrooms everyday in place of red meat for an entire year. Let’s see the difference for better understanding.

Participants Who Consumed White Button Mushrooms (comparison made on an everyday basis):

  • A decrease by an average 123 calories is seen
  • Decrease in the production of fat by 4.25 gms is observed
  • Shed some weight
  • Decrease in waist circumference
  • BMI decreases making the participants look beautiful and healthy

People Who Consumed Red Meat (comparison made on an everyday basis):

  • Gained an average 123 calories
  • Gained 4.25 gms fat
  • Gained some extra weight
  • Increase in waist circumference
  • BMI remains same or increases

Recommended Read: Solutions to Achieve Body Weight Loss

How do white button mushrooms help lose weight?

white buttoned mushrooms

Mushrooms are low in calories. They contain just 44 calories in each cup as compared to lean meat that contains nearly 6 times more calories. Moreover, they are equally satiating as red meat as a result, they never let you feel deprived of food and energy.

Use them wisely in your food in place of ground beef or meat, especially while cooking burgers, sauce, etc. and you can get rid of excess fat from your body, without giving up on all your favorite food items. Saute the mushrooms and use them in your recipes to maintain the tastes of everything you cook.

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