butt excersize

Brazilian Butt Lift – By Wanitha Ashok

You no longer have to hide your tush under long, droopy T-shirts. Lift tone and sculpt your butt in five minutes with these exercises. Here are some guidelines to execute these workouts. Always warm up before you start. Hold squats and lunges for 30 seconds at the lowest point of the move to add variation . Don’t rush through your routine as its cheating because you are using momentum to execute to the workout and not your muscle. Take 4 counts to lower into a squat, and 2 to 3 to come up. Remember to stretch when done by bringing your knee toward your chest,hold for 20 seconds, repeat on other side.

Do Mini Workouts All Day Long

Here are some more exercises that you can squeeze in and boost your metabolism and sculpt at one go. Try to make the most of mini breaks throughout your day. Keep a set of ankle weights in the desk drawer and perform standing leg lifts or leg extensions during phone calls. Do your calf raises while waiting in a line at the bank and other places. When you are walking your dog then you can lunge as your stops dog sniffs very now and then. Do the following exercises on alternate days to tone your butt

Squat with Kick-Back

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms on your hips
  • Sit back as if you are sitting on a chair to get into a squat . keep your body weight on your heels, then lift right leg straight behind you, keeping hips pointing forward. Return to start , rep 12- 15 times ,switch sides.


  • Stand with feet more than shoulder-width apart, arms on your hips, toes turned outward.
  • Tuck tailbone under and contract glutes.
  • Lower your body into a Plie squat
  • Go as low as you can go. Do allow your knees to go past the toes.
  • Hold for 2 seconds and return to starting position
  • 12- 15 reps
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