Elisha Krrish

Fun With Fitness – By Elisha Kriis

Our body is meant to move and is a vessel to transform our energy into action. Think about that for a second. Our body is meant to transform our ENERGY into ACTION!!! So, the form of workout we hence choose, later reflects on our body and the way we express ourselves through it. Being a woman I feel, we need to be more feminine in our approach. We need to leverage the incredible benefits given to us above and beyond the normal exercise routine. We need to rationalize what we are doing to our bodies and why.

The word WORKOUT itself means different things to different people. Some associate it with fitness and fun while some feel it’s boring, painful and amazingly tiring chore. Having tried numerous forms of workouts, I can empathize with all the feelings no matter good or bad. I’ve been there. We all have. Having tried different kinds of workouts I feel the simplest way to step up and make it happen is to ensure that its fun. If it is not fun, most of us won’t do it as it is easy to procrastinate your gym time to worlds end.

I suggest why not make the workout a recreational activity rather than a chore. I recommend a fun exotic BELLY DANCING WITH MUSIC WORKOUT which is preceded by a Yoga warm up and ends with full body stretching all within 50 minutes!


There are myriad of health benefits associated with Yoga. We all say Yoga, but it’s actually called Hatha Yoga (commonly term Yoga), which is the most influential and far reaching Indian heritage that has been offered to the world.

Hatha is also translated as ha meaning “sun” and tha meaning “moon.” This refers to the balance of masculine aspects—active, hot, sun—and feminine aspects—receptive, cool, moon—within all of us. These set of physical exercises (known as asanas or postures), and sequences of asanas, designed to align your skin, muscles and bones. The postures are also designed to open the many channels of the body—especially the main channel, the spine—so that energy can flow freely.

It is imperative in transforming your mind, body and soul! It is whole in its approach and is based on science in its entirety. Now, we all know that apart from improving your brain’s function, lowering stress levels, increasing flexibility, lowering blood pressure, improving lung capacity, improving sexual functions, reducing chronic neck pain, giving relief to anxiety, relief from chronic back pain, lowering sugar levels in diabetics, improving overall sense of mind body balance, giving stronger bones, healthy weight & lowering risks of heart diseases, Yoga also gives you a GLOW to die for! So 20 minutes of Surya Namaskar is the best warm up for your body before the fun belly dance workout. It’s not that difficult once you get started.


The best way to manage pain is by diverting your attention elsewhere and music can be a fun and pleasant diversion. Music can calm your mind as it soothes your soul. It’s the real stress buster while you exercise. Researches have shown that it boosts immune system, encourages exercises and promotes sleep.

So when combining Hatha Yoga and soothing music followed with focused breathing inhale exhale patterns can help your mind to focus. It also increases your concentration in the present moment which according to me is also a type of meditation. This is an excellent way to start your day.

Then comes the fun part… Belly DANCE WORKOUT. After 20 minutes of Surya Namaskar, your body is ready and all warmed up to start the Belly Dance Workout. Oh how I love the drum beats. It amuses me personally. Imagine, how much fun we can have while working out.


ARTICLE 1Belly dance workout has amazing effects on the human body as it is based on pivotal movement that comes naturally to female form. The graceful rolls, hip drops and pivots of this dance form utilize muscle groups in the abdomen, pelvis, trunk, spine and neck. It works with the body, instead of against it unlike many other dance forms that can potentially deform the skeleton or just work against the body rather than with the body’s physical inclination. It not only improves the posture and aids to muscle toning it also reduces weight, reduces stress, builds the back muscles evenly, aids to digestion and helps in the preparation for childbirth. Not many of us know, but it also improves memory, helps you make better decisions, aids to digestion, reduces menstrual cramps, clears skin complexion and improves sleep.


When you work out, lactic acid builds up in your muscles. This often leads to muscle soreness and fatigue. Stretching after a workout helps to reduce muscle fatigue. When you stretch after a workout, your muscles are warm and you benefit from increased blood circulation. Stretching will help your muscles to recover faster from a tough workout. Muscle soreness is one of the reasons that many people skip exercising. When you stretch, the likelihood is much higher that you will proceed with your next workout and prevent future injury.

So, I hope you can step up to this amazing format of Yoga and belly dance workout and have fun while you burn those calories and tone your body. All the best to all my Women Planters! Stay Fit!

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