
Say “Yes” or “No” To Mangoes

Who says mangoes are heavy and hence must be avoided? No, mangoes are not fattening of eaten in moderation.

1) Rich in vitamin A and flavoids like alpha-carotene, beta-­‐carotene and beta cyptoxanthin, mangoes are powerful antioxidants that protect us against various diseases.

2) Beta carotene and vitamin C plays vital role in clearing your skin.

3) Mango is rich source of potassium which is very good in controlling high blood pressure, maintaining a good fluid balance and evading various heart diseases.

4) With their fiber content, the fruit helps to relieve constipation and blood cholesterol.

5) Mangoes contain small amount of the trance mineral zinc, which speeds up your chemical reaction in your body and maintains structure of cell membranes. This reduces the risk of suffering from chronic diseases.

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