
Stop Dieting – Be Smart, Eat Smart! – By Mansi Padechia

Yes, you read that correctly. I said stop the dieting!! My program is about establishing an overall improvement in the food that people consume and the physical lifestyles they lead. It is not about following a specific diet for a short amount of time just to drop a few pounds.

Trust me, I know many people who have been on that diet roller coaster (myself included) and the end result always seems to be failure to one degree or another. Either the weight doesn’t come off at all, or it does come off but is gained right back. Worse, sometimes more weight is gained than lost once the diet has ended. The frustration of subsequent failures can leave you feeling inadequate and may even result in you trying to follow drastic and unhealthy diets that could be putting you and your body in danger.

This is why I say “forget diets and dieting.” Instead, follow these simple rules and I promise that you will see weight loss results and never have to go on another stupid diet again.

1. Make sure your food choices are tasty and enjoyable. As we all know, if you have to hold your nose when you swallow your food, you aren’t likely to continue eating it. The perfect diet can include, raw dairy (in moderation), fresh fruits and vegetables, and sprouts, grain breads. Oh, and don’t forget nuts for a snack between meals. This is enough to give you a variety of options so that you are always eating new and exciting combinations every day.

2. Never, ever let yourself get ravenously hungry. When you reach this state, your insulin levels are so low that you can become shaky, get headaches, and will reach for anything to satiate your hunger. This can be considered “the danger zone” of hunger. Please, never let yourself get to this point. You will not effectively lose weight by starving yourself and when you do finally eat, your body is going to store those calories and hold on to them because it feels as if it’s in eminent danger of starvation. The best thumb rule to follow is to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with appropriate snacks in between each main meal.

3. To supplement your meals and to make sure your body is getting sufficiently hydrated, always keep water on hand. You should be drinking atleast 10 glasses of water / day This amount of water will keep you from feeling as hungry, which can curb your desire to snack unnecessarily. No other beverage should be substituted for water.

4. Finally, don’t bite off more change than you can chew. Instead of trashing all of the food you currently have in your house, get rid of one or two of the worst empty calorie contributors and replace them with their healthy equivalent. For example, if you have a bag of chips in your house that you’re used to snacking on, dump those and replace it with some healthy almonds. Once you get used to one or two small changes, implement a few more. These small changes will soon add up and your new food choices won’t seem so overwhelming.

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