summer foos melons

Summer Foods – By Mansi Padechia

Cool Food:

Besides cooling liquids there are cooling foods that can be included in your diet. Watermelon, Muskmelon, Cucumber, Tomato, Woodapple (Bel fruit) can hydrate and cool you, while taking care of your hunger.

Fill up Fluids:

As temperatures start soaring, our body loses precious moisture through perspiration. Replace the lost moisture and fluids by drinking as much fluids as you can. Increase your water intake deliberately in summer. In addition to that, have a glass of coconut water or a glass of buttermilk mid-morning, at about 11 am and also post-lunch. In fact, thin butter milk twice daily or low cal coconut water is the healthiest way to stay cool in summer.

Beat Heat During Exercise

For those who need to maintain their exercise regime, remember to have a glass of lime juice before and after exercise to regain the lost body fluid. This will also avoid migraine or severe fatigue.

  • 200ml of nimbu pani with 1-2 tsp of sugar and a pinch of salt.
  • A Fruit.
  • 250ml of Gatorade
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