
Time to Take Control Over Your Health Today – By Mansi Padechia

As truly said Health is way to Wealth. The health of the people is really the foundation upon which all their happiness and all their powers as a state depend. Hence, to ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.
Every individual can design their own health sheet by following few tips as below:

Food Funda: Eating smaller meals throughout the day at intervals will go long way ensuring that you never binge. And look at what’s going on your plate. What you eat can have huge impact on your body. A healthy, balanced diet will make sure that you don’t feel sluggish. Thus, I suggest though you are confined to your desk please keep small nibblers (khakhras/fruits/biscuits/chana/bread sticks/kurmura) such that you can fuel your body optimally and continuously.

Get Moving: Exercise burns calories, helps to control weight, cholesterol and diabetes. Those who burn about 3,500 calories a week, either at work or through exercise, live longer than those who don’t. It is advisable to be more active than being passive make use of stairs instead of elevators, while traveling to work walk to station or bus stop. If you travel in a chauffeur-driven – car, get down from car couple of km away from the office/ home. Even 30 min of walking every day goes a long way in significantly reducing the incidence of health problems.

Take a chill pill: Stressful situations are accompanied by increased heart rate and blood pressure, which increase the demand for oxygen. This additional demand may lead to chest pain. Our nervous system releases hormones that raise blood pressure, which can damage the lining of our arteries. So, stay positive and find ways to manage stress.

Health check up: Last but not the least, go for a health check up once a year. This is important for people right from there 30’s 40’s and 50’s. It helps in detecting silent disease like BP, high sugar, insulin resistance, high cholesterol and vitamin deficiencies.

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