thinning hair

Avoid These Habits To Stop Thinning Of Hair

Many of the daily hair care routines cause the weakening of hair. Changing these practices will improve overall hair health. The main drawbacks include pollution, over exposure to cold air, and eating a lot of fast food. These reasons are enough to cause split-ends, brittleness in the hair and other hair health issues.

Hot hair wash

Using hot water for washing hair is not good. It gives the tresses a dry and brittle feel. It also causes an easy breakage of the strands. Washing hair with slightly hot or normal room temperature water will protect the hair growth in the scalp.

Diet control

Restricting food intake to loose weight will not only harm your physique but also deprive the hair-lengths from getting the essential nurturing elements. Eating a lot of proteins will give the hair a shiny and lustrous texture.

Hair styles with less tightness

Tying your locks tightly may look elegant but it can damage the hair cells and weaken them, resulting to hair fall. So, keep the hair loosely tied or plaited.

Gently dry your hair

Using a thick towel to dry your hair or use a drier to remove the wetness will only break them. Pat dry your hair with a thin towel or dry naturally.

Use curlers and other hair style kits with care

Too much and frequent use of hot styling kits will greatly damage the hair. So, use them for rare occasions. Once you are back home let your hair loose.

Stay away from hair damaging habits. Using oil massage and keeping the hair free from knots and tangles will keep your hair growth intact, and make them glow in a healthy manner.

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