relieve menstrual pain

Basic Home Remedies To Fight Menstrual Pain

Menstrual pain and cramps are a nightmare for most women during their periods. One of the most common solutions to fight them is taking a painkiller. Apart from painkillers, using hot water bags and massaging your lower abdomen with pain-relief creams are also the most sorted out solutions for most women.

But why does it pain during menstrual cycles? Well, during the periods, the body experiences a sudden withdrawal of the progesterone hormone which leads to the shedding of the uterus lining leading to bleeding. The uterus contracts to get rid of these dead tissues thus leading to menstrual cramps. Popping up a painkiller to get rid of this pain is not a healthy solution. In the long run, consuming painkillers can have a deep impact on your health. As a result, following home based remedies is a good solution to treat the pain and also avoid side-effects.

Here are a few simple home remedies to fight menstrual pain. Follow them and experience painless periods for all your life.

  • Neem leaves: Take 8-10 neem leaves and grind them with little water to form a paste. Eat this paste with a small cup full of buttermilk. The paste can also be used topically to reduce pain. It also helps cure yeast infection in the vagina.
  • Aloe Vera: Drink freshly prepared Aloe Vera juice mixed with a small teaspoon of honey for 2-3 times a day. This will help you gain relief from the pain and also ease the heavy menstrual blood flow.
  • Carom seeds: Consume a spoon full of carom seeds with a cup of hot boiling water to ease the menstrual pain. You can also roast the seeds and consume them along with a glass of milk during unbearable pain. The carom seed oil also works as a great muscle relaxer. During periods, apply the oil on our strained muscles to get rid of the pain and cramps.
  • Iron rich food: Eat dry apricots, and other food products that increase your iron content in the blood. Red meat, dates, pomegranate and red wine are some of the basic items that help boost the iron content in the blood.
  • Liquid diet: Drink herbal tea with ginger crushed into it to ease the menstrual pain. Drinking raspberry leaf tea is also beneficial. You can also drink lukewarm water during your periods to get relief from the menstrual pain. It helps the blood clots to pass easily thus avoiding cramps. Having hot water baths in a bathtub can also help you get rid of menstrual pain.
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