Drinking Bottled Water

Drinking Bottled Water from Your Car Can Cause Cancer

Sheryl Crow on Ellen Show said that drinking bottled water from her car caused her breast cancer. According to the doctors, high level of Dioxin found in her breast that probably caused her cancer. Dioxin is a very dangerous toxin that is mostly found in breast cancer tissues.

According to Sherly Crow’s Oncologist, Dioxin is produced when heat reacts with plastic. High temperature forces out dioxin present in plastic products to fuse together with fat to create Dioxin. This is not just limited to plastic water bottles, but is found in other containers made of plastic. Using plastic containers to cook food in your oven can also result to intake of Dioxin. Even the plastic wraps or folio used to cover the food while cooking in Microwave is equally dangerous. So use stainless steel and glass for edible and portable food storage.

Women should strictly avoid having anything from plastic containers. Especially if it is kept under hot temperature like in the car or near stove, etc. Spread this information to other women and save life.

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