Stinky Foods

Eat Less Of Strong Smelling Food To Reduce Body Smell

Being well dressed and presentable is very important. At the same time, it is also important to smell nice. While speaking of smell and odour, understanding what causes it, is equally essential. Certain Food variants that one eats play a vital role in causing BO.

 The variety includes meat, milk, some milk products, vegetables and some spices like ‘garlic’. At times, the smell is so severe that others find it difficult to be near that person.

Though, many from the alternate medical field preach that if the food is not well digested, then causes the bad skin smell. This fact has to be proved scientifically.

Even if the foodstuff is not directly causing the strong smell, the perspiration, the bacterial reactions on the body covering, wearing garments that are not fresh can be a few of the reasons behind the stink. Under arm skin, the area below the stomach and the private parts are the main areas of concern.

If vegetables, spices, fish and red meat are consumed moderately, one can avoid facing this embarrassing situation.

The other ways of overcoming the body odor would be:

  • Avoid eating vegetables and garlic raw during day time, especially when one has a busy schedule or appointments.
  • Eating green herbs like mint may help in maintaining a fresh body smell.
  • Drinking fresh lime and orange fruit juices that are good for the skin may help greatly. Using herbs like ‘sage’ to prepare tea may also help because the herb is said to minimize perspiration.
  • Reduce consuming a lot of alcoholic drinks.
  • Bathing again before you go out or changing into fresh clothes may also help.

Any food eaten in moderation and following a healthy lifestyle will help in remaining fresh and also keep the stinking at bay.

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