
Increase Dopamine Naturally By Being Happy

An increase in blood pressure would lead to many other complications in health. Since research and studies show that happiness lowers blood pressure, it is necessary that every individual remains in a happy state of mind.

According to experts ‘dopamine or the happiness hormone’ creates the element that helps to lower the blood pressure. Though there are other goodness effects that a person experiences with dopamine, the mind that experiences the happiness state asks for more and if presence of dopamine secretion is maintained then the blood pressure can be kept under control.

Striving to help BP patients, an expert team lead by Professor Martin Fussenegger from ‘D- BSSE (Department of Bio systems Science and Engineering) has found a way to use the dopamine working in the body. They have charted out a new genes pattern which can be monitored through the dopamine dosage.

The blood pressure reducing element “SEAP” or “ANP” a strong BP reducing agent present in the module helped to show that besides brain, the nerve cells around the blood carriers also create dopamine, when a person is happy. If happiness is a factor to lower blood pressure, should we depend on medicines?

There are ways to be happy:

  • Enjoying music and seeing the lighter side or laughing will help to keep you happy.
  • Being positive or changing one’s attitude is yet another way to be happy.
  • Pets are said to bring down the owner’s Blood pressure. The reason for doing so is not known but the result is. A survey shows that pet owners are generally known to be happy in the company of their pets.
  • Meditation and breathing exercises are also known to lower blood pressure. So, adopt a natural way to happiness.
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